WSG ESG Group Meeting:
Recent Topics & Changes Impacting ESG in Europe

  • When: 29 June 2022
  • Type: Virtual

The WSG Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Group hosted a virtual group discussion that explored the latest trends in ESG. This included a discussion on recent topics and changes impacting approaches to ESG in Europe.


WSG ESG Group Discussion: Recent Topics & Changes Impacting ESG in Europe

The WSG Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Group hosted a virtual group discussion that explored the latest trends in ESG. This included a discussion on recent topics and changes impacting approaches to ESG in Europe.


Webinar Takeaways

  1. Creating interdisciplinary networks is key when dealing with ESG/sustainability matters as a lawyer.
  2. Including non-financial KPI as a basis for remuneration is becoming increasingly relevant.
  3. In regulated companies, we see a trend that the supervisory board members zoom in on ESG.

Hosted By:

WSG Group