Practice Expertise

  • International
  • Litigation
  • Mexico

Areas of Practice

  • International
  • Litigation
  • Mexico


Ramses Sanchez Trinidad is an associate in the International Practice Group at Haynes and Boone, SC in Mexico City. His practice focuses on civil, commercial, administrative and constitutional litigation, arbitration, as well as complex cases related to damages, telecommunications, insolvency and bankruptcy.

Ramses has participated in complex litigation before local and federal courts including class actions, consortium agreements, insolvency and bankruptcy procedures of important companies as creditor and as debtor. He has also participated in procedures against the imposition of fines and penalties by governmental authorities. He has experience with injunctions and the execution of foreign judgments.

During his college years, Ramses was participant of the Iberoamerican Commercial Arbitration Competition, obtaining a notable place with his team.

Bar Admissions

Universidad la Salle, Law, 2013, Law Degree

Areas of Practice

  • International
  • Litigation
  • Mexico

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