
Drawing on my understanding of energy law and the regulatory environment, I advise major energy providers on the operation of the National Electricity Market (NEM); the energy regulatory systems in each state and territory; and the structural separation and operation of government-owned electricity corporations.

I greatly enjoy working with clients to help them achieve their strategic objectives. I am also proud to mentor junior lawyers, helping them build their expertise, client skills and broader professional careers.

Career highlights

  • SA Power Networks – served as lead adviser in relation to its revenue proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for the 2015–20 and 2020–25 regulatory control periods , and its compliance with the regulatory framework established under the National Electricity Rules (NER)
  • Government of South Australia – acted in relation to establishing and finalising the National Electricity Code (NEC), and implementing it in South Australia
  • Government-owned entities – assisted throughout regulatory reform and privatisation processes, helping develop regulatory codes, contracts and guidelines
  • AGL – counselled the company in relation to regulatory reforms in Victoria, NSW and Queensland
  • Hydro Tasmania and Aurora Energy Advisors – advised on the commencement of the NER in Tasmania
  • South Australian Government and SA Power Networks – provided guidance in relation to implementing the National Energy Customer Framework (NECF)
  • Jacana Energy and Territory Generation – helped develop and implement the Interim Northern Territory Electricity Market, and the proposed process for adopting components of the NEM in the Northern Territory
  • Advised a bidder for the Government of South Australia’s 100MW battery storage project – the first battery project in the country
  • Acted for a bidder for the South Australian Government’s combined retail supply and renewable energy generation project, designed to meet a large percentage of the government’s electricity demand
  • Negotiated over 70 different connections to transmission and distribution networks in most states and territories, for Evoenergy, AGL, Alinta Energy, AusNet Services, ElectraNet, Hydro Tasmania, Neoen, SA Power Networks, TransGrid, Trustpower and Vestas
  • Consistently named by peers in Best Lawyers, every year from 2009 to 2023, and in 2014 was named Lawyer of the Year (Australia) for Energy


Areas of Practice

  • Industry Energy and Resources

Professional Career


  • Three success factors for Battery Energy Storage System projects

    Developing a battery energy storage system is not without its challenges and risks. We recommend 3 critical factors to realise a successful BESS project.

  • COVID-19: Responses from energy market bodies and networks

    Energy businesses are being called upon by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to go 'above and beyond' to support their customers through the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery. In this article we outline key announcements by national energy market bodies and energy networks in response to COVID-19.

  • Electricity Market Reforms: Market redesign for 2025

    National Cabinet has agreed to the recommended reforms by the Energy Security Board (ESB) to the national electricity market (NEM). We provide a summary of what the ESB recommended. Plus insights on implications for owners and operators of electricity assets and investors.

  • Landmark Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act passed in South Australia

    The Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act (HRE Act) has now passed both Houses of South Australian Parliament.

  • Northern Territory electricity reforms paving the way for renewable energy

    MinterEllison has been working in the electricity market in the Northern Territory (NT) for a number of years and in particular, played a key role in the separation of companies in 2014-15.

  • Reform of the AER civil penalty regime

    How will the proposed reforms in the Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Penalties and Enforcement) Bill 2020 impact the energy sector in South Australia? As the bill awaits its passage through the South Australian Parliament, we analyse its implications.

  • Access rights and LTESA for NSW Renewable Energy Zone projects

    AEMO's draft model term sheets for generation Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs) and Project Development Agreements (PDAs) have important implications for projects in NSW Renewable Energy Zones.

  • Transmission and access

    Energy Security Board has recommended reforms to upgrade the current transmission network, develop a national grid, open the grid to renewables, reduce congestion and connect to new storage facilities. These are the key take-outs.

  • New tariffs to incentivise electricity consumers in South Australia

    Consumers stand to benefit from high levels of solar penetration in South Australia, should retailers agree to implement new tariff structures aimed at shifting load out of peak periods.

  • SA hydrogen and renewable energy draft bill

    The South Australian Department for Energy and Mining recently released the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act (HRE Act) draft bill for consultation.

  • Overcoming renewable energy's challenges in connecting to the grid

    For some time, renewable energy industry participants have faced significant risks in connecting their projects to the grid. A new reform roadmap proposes to help ease these challenges.

  • Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill introduced into SA Parliament

    The Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill was introduced into South Australian Parliament, we explore the key implications for existing and future projects.

  • How is Australia managing the transition to renewable energy?

    In Australia, we're seeing enormous opportunities and some policy challenges in renewable energy.

  • Renewable energy: will the election impact the reform agenda?

    The party that forms government following the federal election is expected to have a marked impact on the regulatory framework for the renewable energy sector in the short to medium term.

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