Practice Expertise
Areas of Practice
- Construction disputes
- Construction risk and advisory
- Contract administration
- Freedom of information
- Government procurement
- Industry Energy and Resources
- Privacy and data protection
- Statutory interpretation
- Technology digital and data View More
Prior to joining MinterEllison, I spent many years in-house with the Queensland public health system, often embedded with busy procurement teams, giving intensive assistance on the legal, commercial and probity considerations attaching to large scale, critical procurements of all kinds (clinical services, consumables, equipment, maintenance, IT and construction). ?I also have considerable experience in research collaboration contracts. I now serve as an independent probity advisor on major local government projects. I take a leading role in local government advisory work that straddles procurement (including strategic contracting), land disposal, delegations, privacy and record-keeping considerations. For the private sector, I advise principals and prospective contractors in construction and energy and resources work.
Career highlights
- Advising local government on procurement processes and probity relating to innovative projects to promote the Gold Coast as a key international film and television production destination.
- Advised on a unique build-to-lease project partnering with private entities to expand bed capacity at a public hospital.
- Reviewed and advised on tender documents for builder engagement for a multi-million dollar construction project (new stand-alone building) within an existing hospital precinct.
- Tailored standard contract documents to address hybrid procurement of construction and ITC works for a critical building management system upgrade required for a hospital.
- Participated in a working group for the establishment of a new statutory body, drafting necessary delegation instruments to enable the statutory body to be able to function from the point of incorporation, through appropriate decision-making by its Chief Executive Officer.
- Assisting procurement officers through a difficult protracted procurement process for replacement of critical equipment, including navigating through issues arising from a split evaluation panel.
Areas of Practice
- Construction disputes
- Construction risk and advisory
- Contract administration
- Freedom of information
- Government procurement
- Industry Energy and Resources
- Privacy and data protection
- Statutory interpretation
- Technology digital and data
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