Practice Expertise

  • Investment Funds

Areas of Practice

  • Investment Funds


Scott has considerable experience in the establishment of private and retail investment products, including hedge funds and insurance-based investment products, as well as the authorisation for public sale in Hong Kong of Hong Kong unit trusts and offshore mutual funds from a variety of jurisdictions. Scott also advises on all regulatory aspects of investment business, including licensing requirements, establishment and marketing of collective investment schemes, authorisation of automated trading systems (ATS) and compliance issues.

Scott combines many years of experience advising asset managers with five years as regional counsel for PIMCO, a leading global investment manager, where he was responsible for all legal, compliance and regulatory matters across offices in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.

Scott was a partner at Deacons from 2002-2006 and rejoined as a consultant in 2011.

Areas of Practice

  • Investment Funds

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