Practice Expertise
- Real Estate, Urban Regulation, Hotel and ...
- Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Areas of Practice
- Real Estate, Urban Regulation, Hotel and ...
- Infrastructure and Public Utilities
WSG Practice Industries
WSG Leadership
- Real Estate Group - Group Leader
Director at Brigard Urrutia since 2021 with more than 18 years of experience.
He has worked as a consultant in the development of urban planning instruments, and the structuring of public-private partnerships PPP. He has served as General Manager of Metrovivienda, Legal Director at Urban Renewal Enterprise ERU, Legal Director of Metrovivienda, has been part of the team of the Secretary of District Planning as spokesman for the process of participation and evaluation of the Land Management Plan of Bogotá 2019 and legal advisor to AB Inbev on issues of urban and environmental law, has also been an advisor to the office of the Mayor of Sopó and member of the real estate team in the National Real Estate Agency Virgilio Barco Vargas in the project Los Ministerios. He has been a teacher in the training schools of the Bogota Real Estate Market (Lonja de Propiedad Raíz de Bogotá) and arbitrator in the law of the same entity. T
he areas of practice in which he has excelled are urban law, real estate law, and planning and financing of urban development. He has been invited by the World Bank and the Korean Research Institute of Human Settlements KRISH to the first blended learning workshop on planning and management of urban and sustainable land use KRIHS-WBG/OLC on behalf of Colombia in 2016. He is a graduate of the Law School of the Universidad de Los Andes, 2001, and a Master in Administration and Urban Planning from the University of Seoul. Fellow of the Metropolitan Government of Seoul, with studies in Management of Development Projects of the IADB IADB, Land Management Policies at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC - United Nations - UN, international studies of fundamentals for the Analysis of the Land Market in Latin America at the Catholic University of Chile - Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
He has worked as a consultant in the development of urban planning instruments, and the structuring of public-private partnerships PPP. He has served as General Manager of Metrovivienda, Legal Director at Urban Renewal Enterprise ERU, Legal Director of Metrovivienda, has been part of the team of the Secretary of District Planning as spokesman for the process of participation and evaluation of the Land Management Plan of Bogotá 2019 and legal advisor to AB Inbev on issues of urban and environmental law, has also been an advisor to the office of the Mayor of Sopó and member of the real estate team in the National Real Estate Agency Virgilio Barco Vargas in the project Los Ministerios. He has been a teacher in the training schools of the Bogota Real Estate Market (Lonja de Propiedad Raíz de Bogotá) and arbitrator in the law of the same entity. T
he areas of practice in which he has excelled are urban law, real estate law, and planning and financing of urban development. He has been invited by the World Bank and the Korean Research Institute of Human Settlements KRISH to the first blended learning workshop on planning and management of urban and sustainable land use KRIHS-WBG/OLC on behalf of Colombia in 2016. He is a graduate of the Law School of the Universidad de Los Andes, 2001, and a Master in Administration and Urban Planning from the University of Seoul. Fellow of the Metropolitan Government of Seoul, with studies in Management of Development Projects of the IADB IADB, Land Management Policies at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC - United Nations - UN, international studies of fundamentals for the Analysis of the Land Market in Latin America at the Catholic University of Chile - Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
Areas of Practice
- Real Estate, Urban Regulation, Hotel and Agribusiness
- Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Professional Career
Professional Associations
- International Bar Association
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