Why Do Signings Appoint For Young Attorneys? 

March, 2017 - Diego Martin

Today, we are at a time where two-generation professionals are actively developing and competing with each other within their own career. The well-known "millenials" or generation "Y", born according to some analysts between the years 1981 to 1999, and where the majors of this generation are already in the 36 years of life, and those of the generation X. According to the majority of These analysts, understanding the generation "Y" is not easy for those of the "X" generation for various circumstances, listing mainly their lifestyle, way of working and their main short-term goals.

But that situation transcends other levels. Several millenIals are now important figures and decision makers in many companies, and even own them as entrepreneurs. Therefore, in the service sector, particularly in the legal sector, it is important to assess the integration and positioning of young people in legal firms, since they are the ones who will better manage this type of teeth in a short or medium term.

"Legal firms must transform their vision, without losing their main service objectives, nor sacrifice their work ethic to host this generation, in a way that guarantees their future growth and positioning."

A legal firm that is not prepared for generational changes is doomed to disappear along with its founders.

The transformation of their vision towards this new generation of young people can not be adapted to them either in an absolute way, nor is it correct to suppose that the lifestyles and work of these millenials are sustainable by themselves, Be to integrate them to the vision and objectives of the firm and achieve a fusion in the thinking of both generations to ensure the future success of the firm. For this reason, the previous generation must instill in them the principles and values of the generation that founded the business in a way that ensures that this spirit continues with them.

That is why CONSORTIUM LEGAL remains in the constant search to integrate its younger members to the firm, to assist them in their professional preparation and motivate them to their specialization. Each of the senior partners and partners is committed to constant mentoring of junior partners and co-workers, mostly students. But it also makes important efforts to listen and receive from the young people their personal and professional opinions that serve to update that vision of service, through its integration to work teams and integration activities outside and inside the office.



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