  May 20, 2020 - United States of America

Government Announces Penalty Formula of the Employment Support Scheme

The government has rolled out a series of measures to relieve the economic impact brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Introduced under the second round Anti-epidemic Fund, the Employment Support Scheme (ESS) has come under the spotlight as it aims to provide wage subsidies to employers against their undertaking to spend all subsidies on paying wages to their employees and not to implement redundancy during the subsidy period. The ESS is a scheme that relies on the historical record of the number and wages of employees in the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) system.

Subsequent to our client alert dated 14 May 2020 on the implementation details of the ESS, the government announced the penalty formula and additional information of the ESS on 18 and 19 May 2020. Employers should take note of these further details when making an application for subsidies under the ESS:

Penalty formula

Clawback = Total subsidy received in that particular month - Wages paid to the employees in the same month

Penalty = Total subsidy received in that month ? Headcount Reduction % ? Applicable Penalty %

Total number of employees Applicable Penalty %
Less than 10 10%
10 to 49 20%
50 to 99 40%
100 to 499 60%
Equal or more than 500 80%


Application method

Employees aged 65 or above

The first tranche of subsidy will be open for application from 7 a.m. of 25 May to 11:59 p.m. of 14 June 2020, and will be paid out to employers in three to four weeks’ time. We understand that employers may still have questions regarding the ESS, especially regarding the monitoring mechanisms and the required undertaking. In light of the complexity of the ESS, employers are advised to seek professional advice if they have any concerns. Employers should also pay attention to the details and comply with the requirements of the ESS so both employers and employees could benefit from the scheme.

[1] Employers who have set up Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance schemes are required to provide more information/documents in their application, such as number of eligible employees in March 2020, the wage of each employee in the “specified month” and a scanned copy of the exemption certificate issued by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority.

[2] If employers have both eligible and ineligible employees (i.e., employees whose salaries are fully funded by the government and thus ineligible), they are required to provide the number of eligible employees in March 2020 in the online application as well.

[3] Any one month between December 2019 and March 2020 as nominated by the employer.

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