Lavery Lawyers
  July 1, 2008 - Quebec

Pricing of Environmental Authorizations

On May 9, 2008, the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs (MDDEP) presented its new pricing system for applications for environmental authorizations.

The Order-in-Council provides for a rate grid based on the nature of the work covered by the application for authorization. The base rate is $500, unless another rate is stipulated in the rate grid. These fees are intended to cover the cost of analysis of the applications for authorization in accordance with the user-pay principle. The MDDEP henceforth will have developers, rather than all taxpayers, assume the cost of the administrative services it renders. The revenue generated by this pricing will be paid to the Green Fund.

Thus, the new pricing grid is particularly aimed at enterprises, departments and agencies, municipalities and individuals who apply, for example, for a certificate of authorization or a depollution attestation.

The rates will be adjusted at the beginning of each year, according to the variation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Canada. The fees must be paid in full by cheque, money order or electronic payment upon filing with the MDDEP of the application for a certificate of authorization.

The new pricing system can be accessed at the following Internet address: