Han Kun Law Offices
  June 19, 2023 - Mainland China

ESG Investment Trends and Outlook - the Perspective of Fund Managers and Long-term Investors
  by Virginia QIAO, Lin ZHU, Avery HUANG, Mark MAO

As sustainable development and social responsibility are increasingly stressed in the business community, major institutional investors have come to focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, an approach that directs socially responsible investment decisions. While the concept of ESG investing originated in the West and has evolved into a mainstream investment philosophy in overseas markets, we have noticed that an increasing number of PRC fund managers and long-term investors have developed a keen interest in ESG and are eagerly planning their next moves. Their investment philosophies have also steadily shifted from "passive compliance" to "active empowerment". This newsletter provides an overall analysis of the ESG regulatory framework and investment practices in China, followed by an outlook for the future trends in ESG investing from the perspective of fund managers and long-term investors.

Read full article at: https://www.hankunlaw.com/upload/portal/20230705/948a879d66333b6726b365fbf2a46a8f.pdf