  November 12, 2008 - Michigan

P3s: A Viable Option for Michigan's Transportation Needs
  by Ann D. Fillingham and Aleksandra A. Miziolek

Attorneys and Government Policy Advisors in Dykema's Infrastructure and Project Finance Practice Area, seek to keep our clients and contacts abreast of pending legislation, new developments and other topics. Our intent is to provide you with timely, relevant, and useful information that will help you with your business goals.

On November 10th, The Michigan Transportation Funding Task Force released a report on Michigan's transportation needs and funding alternatives. Included in the report is mention of P3s in connection with tolling of freeways or other transportation systems.

To access the full report, go to http://www.michigan.gov/mdot/0,1607,7-151-9623_31969-202856--,00.html.

Our Attorneys and Government Policy Advisors have guided clients such as infrastructure equity funds, lenders, municipalities and other financing authorities, and private and public entities, in the acquisition, development, finance, and operation of a variety of infrastructure assets.

Please feel free to contact us about this report or any other P3, infrastructure or project finance question.

Visit Dykema's Infrastructure and Project Finance Practice Area at www.dykema.com/infrastructure/
