Nicaragua currently has an exclusive legislation in Intellectual Property, Law num. 380 "Trademarks and other Distinctive signs Law" and its Bylaw (Published in Daily Official Gazette, num. 70 on April 16, 2001; and num. 183 on September 27, 2001). This regulation has been sustained and fortified by the establishment of the necessary mechanisms for the effective protection of the acquired rights, complemented with treaties and international conventions ...
It is basic to determine the legal status of enterprises in the business world. This becomes more important in different sceneries: when acquiring an existing corporation, investing in a going concern, granting loans, merger of companies, in joint ventures, etc. The term "Due Diligence" refers to the process of exhaustive search of the legal status of a specific enterprise ...
At this moment there are in the National Assembly two draft bills on the future Judicial Career Law, one proposed by the Supreme Court of Justice and the other one by the Presidency of the Republic. This article explains the main differences and similarities between these Judicial Career Law projects. Ways to enter to the Judicial Career · Both projects adopt the idea of public competition as the general mechanism of admission to the Judicial Career ...
The Fiscal Equity Law, Law Num. 453, published on May 6, 2003, in the Daily Official Gazette Num. 82, establishes that natural persons, artificial persons or economic units, resident or not in the country, who perceive rent originated in Nicaragua are subject to a definite retention ...
Commonly, conflicts are settled by a judicial organ, through which a legal expert issues a resolution according to legal criteria and provisions. Nowadays, the options to resolve conflicts are not only limited to the decision of a Judge, but there are alternative means characterized for being voluntary, confidential, economical, and expedite. These means are generally known as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which mainly include arbitration, mediation, and conciliation ...
This Law regulates the process of public indebtedness in order to assure that the financial necessities of the Government and its payment obligations are satisfied at a lower cost, assuring the capacity of payment of the country. The Public Debt is conceived as the faculty of the State or its institutions to obtain financial resources or not, with reimbursable character, from foreign or domestic creditors ...
In the commercial scope, the legal representation of limited liability companies is usually exercised by the President of the Board of Directors ...
On March 19, 2004 the new "majority's opinion" subscribed by the following members of parliament Donald Lacayo, Luis Benavides, Damicis Syria, Noel Pereira, Gabriel Creek, and Delia Arellano, on the controversial Law of Judicial Career was filed before the National Assembly ...
The Income Tax is one of the most important taxes within the national taxation system because the subjects and activities that are affected by it are very wide. The Income Tax is regulated by the Fiscal Equity Law, which is published in the Daily Official Gazette Num. 82, on May 6, 2003. This Law establishes that the tax base to calculate the annual income is the net rent, which is the gross income obtained by the taxpayer minus the deductions authorized by law ...
An effective protection of Intellectual Property Rights. Success is the word that better describes the achievements obtained from the negotiations of CAFTA for the protection of intellectual property rights. Without a doubt, the negotiators that acted on behalf of Nicaragua were exceptional representatives of the needs for a better protection of these rights before evident infractions that have been produced and remain without punishment ...
It has not been a secret that confidentiality and the possibility of investing less resources (time and money) in the conflict resolution are the most used strategies in the promotion and integration of the mediation process into the formal system ...
As we all know water is a fundamental element for life and for all ecosystems. It is also an economic resource that contributes to satisfy human necessities as fishing, agriculture, industry, transport, leisure and, not less important, hydroelectric energy generation. In Industry, water is fundamental in numerous processes and applications and, in that sense, hydroelectric use is of extraordinary importance ...
The structure of Stock Companies consists of three organs: The General Meeting of Shareholders, as the supreme organ; the Board of Directors, as an administrative organ; and the Supervisor or Supervisors, as the supervision organ. The Board of Directors is a collegiate organ whose members are shareholders periodically elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders and which function is to perform all the acts of administration, representing the company before third parties ...
In Nicaragua, we did not have a Tributary Code as a unique legal body, the attributions of the Tributary Administration and the regulation of the different tributary procedures, the rights and duties of the contributor, were dispersed in our legislation existing in several cases, inapplicable norms, conflicts of application of the same, lack of adaptation to the actual technological recourses, among others ...
The first idea that we may conceive only by reading the title of the present article is: What signals may constitute a trademark?, the answer to this question is given by section 3 of the Law No. 380 “General Law on Trade Marks and Other Distinctive Signs”, published in The Gazette No. 70, of April 16 th 2001, which is the norm regulating this matter ...
In the past days, two very important events at the Regional and National Level, honored the ADR mechanisms, specifically the mediation and arbitration proceedings. We refer to the First Central American Congress on Mediation and Arbitration organized by the Nicaraguan Chamber of Commerce and the Third National Congress on Mediation organized by the Office of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Division (DIRAC) of the Supreme Court of Justice ...
In February of the present year, the Law No. 511 on the Creation of the Superintendence of Public Services (SISEP) was enacted. This Law substituted on its functions the Institutions rendering Public Services of Telecommunications, Energy and Drinking Water, (INAA, TELCOR; INE), and revoked their Organic Laws leaving them without any effect. From this legal event it existed in Nicaragua uncertainty for all the private parties who had established legal relationships with these institutions ...
features 1. Modification of the Requirements for banks'shareholders. 2. Fiscal incentives for the development of the Forest Sector. 3. The unconstitutionality of the Bankcruptcy process in Nicaragua. 4. Right of priority. 5. Modernizing Legal procedures in Real Estate transactions. 6. Closing activities in the acquisition of properties. 7 ...
On 1st January 1997, the Partnership Act 1996 (the Act) came into force in the BVI. It features two types of partnerships, the Limited Partnership and the General Partnership. The Limited Partnership is the most common one. In the Act, the Limited Partnership is defined as partnership formed by two or more persons with one or more General Partners and one or more Limited Partners ...
I. Legal Framework The banking business in the Republic of Panama is regulated by Decree-Law No. 9 of February 26, 1998 and its amendments (the “Banking Law”). The Banking Law created the Superintendency of Banks (the “Superintendency”), which is the government agency in charge of supervising and overseeing banking operations and the exercise of the banking business in the Republic of Panama ...
Since the introduction of Law 32 of 1927, the Law on Corporations of the Republic of Panama has remained virtually unchanged, serving both Panamanians and well as foreigners to put in order, protect and plan the transfer of their patrimony in an orderly fashion ...
In 2004, the Bahamas adopted the figure of the private foundation in what became the first attempt by a Common Law jurisdiction to integrate the vehicle, which has been traditionally associated with civil law jurisdictions. A foundation is the endowment of a patrimony for a specific purpose (object), which is set forth in the document that creates and internally organizes the foundation, called the foundation charter ...
I. Background The need to amend the Panamanian maritime legislation, amongst others, came as an effort to incorporate long standing practices that had been developed but were not regulated in our national laws, to promote the registration of vessels in our registry by attracting new tonnage and rewarding both loyalty to the flag and compliance with safety standards of vessels already registered in Panama ...
● New General Merchant Marine Law No ...
Back in 1999, a law was adopted renovating an autonomous regulator and putting in place a modern regime to govern securities and capital markets in Panama, placing the local regulatory environment very much in line with legislation in force in more developed markets such as the United States (including, for example, the creation of the indirect holding system) ...