Litigation arising from Winter Storm Uri remains active and ongoing since it began nearly three years ago. It has major implications for the Texas energy and power markets and businesses operating in those sectors ...
In the fourth quarter of 2023, Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., made industry news, important banking and financial rule changes were implemented, and Georgia's Department of Banking and Finance quietly issued important new regulatory guidance on a handful of topics. Warnock Addresses Banking Committee, Introduces Legislation First, during a three-plus hour U.S ...
Social determinants (or drivers) of health (SDOH) can create substantial barriers to an individual’s overall health and wellbeing. For example, several factors associated with economic hardship—lack of transportation, safe housing, or access to nutritious food, etc.—are highly correlated with poor health outcomes ...
What do you do when you have a safety incident on a job? Are you prepared? This article will focus on some things to consider if you have a safety incident. Assistance The No. 1 priority should be to safely assist anyone that has been injured if you can. Time can be of the essence when safety events occur. You may need to call 911 depending on the circumstances. Do not wait for someone else to call 911. You may need to administer first aid ...
Law firms periodically receive requests for advice from CPAs regarding a client’s need to come into compliance with the relatively new and sometimes confusing “economic nexus” or “Wayfair” rules for selling goods or providing services to customers in another state ...
The Seventh Circuit issued the third in a trilogy of opinions in October establishing the metes and bounds for criminal prosecutions of “spoofing”—a form of market manipulation, mostly in the commodities markets—that Congress expressly prohibited in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act. The decisions create a roadmap for government enforcers to bring more cases ...
The power and the peril of generative AI has been one of the most talked- about topics in legal circles since ChatGPT's explosion into public conscience in late 2022. The arrival of generative AI into our world is now a stark reality. Lawyers need to understand both the basics of the technology and its legal implications when considering the use of generative AI ...
For as long as there have been rules of evidence and courtrooms, there have been products that can impair litigants or witnesses—and products whose use carries the potential to trigger certain stigmas in the eyes of the finders of fact. Cannabis, which has been around longer than nearly every judicial system in the world and the subject of political and popular debate in the United States for the past century, may be the paradigmatic product at the moment ...
The U.S. Government Accountability Office's recently issued annual bid protest report is noteworthy because it shows that 31% of bid protests were sustained — more than double the rate for prior years— and that protesters received some form of relief from the procuring agency in more than half of the protests filed with the GAO in fiscal year 2023 ...
Over the course of a century of oil and gas development in the U.S., a robust body of law developed, covering virtually every aspect of E&P and interpreting every provision in oil and gas leases, joint operating agreements and innumerable industry contracts. But with the rise of the energy transition, a new set of rules are needed to deal with unprecedented policy, new technology and different priorities ...
Building any career or business can be difficult, but even more so in construction. A company or individual can ruin its reputation that it took years to develop by taking a political stance or posting the wrong thing online. It can be difficult to recover from blowing a bid, miscalculating an estimate, or being locked into a fixed-price contract and the cost of materials escalate more than your profit. One might have to close up shop or be demoted or terminated ...
Arbitration continues to be a growing preference for dispute resolution. Mandatory arbitration provisions are found in a variety of commercial contracts, especially in consumer agreements. In fact, it has been reported in a 2018 study that 81 of America’s 100 largest companies use binding arbitration agreements as a standard provision in their consumer contracts ...
On complex construction projects, there may be multiple contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, and sub-subcontractors working along side one another. With various entities working parallel there are substantial risks that one contractor’s work will interfere with that of another contractor on the project. When the two parties have direct contracts with one another (e.g ...
A JV is commonly defined as a combination of two or more parties (people or entities) that is formed to acquire or develop and own, lease, manage and sell one or more real estate assets. The JV typically has two categories of partners: the “operating partner” and one or more “capital partners.” JVs are frequently used by experienced real estate developers to obtain the capital they need for their projects ...
Inflation Reduction Act Perhaps the most significant recent development in the area of alternative energy, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) offers approximately USD270 billion in tax incentives to help combat climate change ...
A battle is heating up in the Jan. 6 criminal case against former President Donald Trump that, while seemingly technical, will likely have a significant impact on the defendant’s ability to mount a defense. It may well serve as a bellwether for how the court will resolve future similar procedural disputes. On Aug ...
In a decision issued late last month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit provided new guidance on the rules governing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's ability to seek the remedy of disgorgement in enforcement actions. The new guidance continues the process of resolving uncertainty left by the U.S. Supreme Court's 2020 decision in Liu v ...
No-fault attendance policies may be on a watchlist for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. A recent matter before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, EEOC v. Eberspaecher North America Inc., suggests that the EEOC is interested in how those policies work. It seems the EEOC wants to determine if such policies potentially violate the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the agency may want to pursue that interest on a national scale ...
A gym franchisor recently secured a preliminary injunction against its former franchisee prohibiting the franchisee from operating an independent gym on the same location and using the franchisor’s trade secrets. Chris O’Hare, along with his company, (O’Hare), was a former Core Progression gym franchisee ...
When the Supreme Court in 2020 issued its decision in Liu v. SEC, placing limits upon the Securities and Exchange Commission's ability to obtain disgorgement, many observers believed that the decision would significantly diminish the SEC's capability to seek and obtain significant disgorgement recoveries in civil enforcement actions alleging violations of the securities laws ...
What is changing with how prudential regulators view fintech partnerships? How is this affecting financial institutions TPRM programs? Prudential regulators appear to be acknowledging the role that fintech partnerships have in the marketplace, both to expand banking services to previous unbanked/underbanked populations, and to allow smaller, regional banks to develop new markets for their services ...
Last summer the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion. On August 25, 2022, Texas’ Human Life Protection Act of 2021 (“HLPA” or the “Act”), colloquially called a “trigger-law,” went into effect prohibiting abortion in the state. Since then, Texas physicians have expressed concern regarding unanswered questions about how the new law affects the medical practice ...
Cybersecurity is a looming threat for most businesses. The impact of a major cyber event can resonate for weeks, months, and even years after the initial attack. To mitigate the risks to consumers, there have been several legislative updates to address these evolving threats, including a significant change for entities in, and adjacent to, the financial services space ...
Monday, May 29, 2023, marked the official end of the 88th regular session of the Texas Legislature. It was an especially active session for the energy industry, which saw the passage of several bills that, if signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott, will have significant and long-term impacts on the oil and gas, renewable energy and power sectors in Texas ...
The way one handles documentation can make or break claims and defenses. Good documentation may increase your chances of prevailing in disputes that could arise down the road and may help avoid embarrassing landmines in general. When a party files a lawsuit or arbitration demand, parties may use rules of procedure to request documentation from parties in the dispute, and from entities outside the dispute that they otherwise may not be able to obtain ...