The Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020 (“Act”) was enacted to encourage private employers in Haryana to boost local employment. The Act was called upon for application from January 15, 2022, for a period of 10 years. The constitutionality of the Act was challenged in multiple writ petitions before the Punjab & Haryana High Court (“Court”). The Court stayed the implementation of the Act on February 3, 2022 ...
The Environment Agency has been found in breach of the Regulators’ Code by failing to provide a proper appeal mechanism for challenging Compliance Assessment Reports. It must now decide how to provide permit holders with a new appeal mechanism ...
The much-anticipated judgment in the Court of Appeal case of Churchill v Merthr Tydfil County Borough Council [2023] EWCA Civ 1416 has now been handed down. The case concerns a claimant that alleges the Council allowed Japanese knotweed to spread from its land onto the claimant’s private property ...
A judgment has been handed down in the Supreme Court case of Wolverhampton City Council and others v London Gypsies and Travellers and others [2023] UKSC 47. The case considered whether the court had the jurisdiction to make injunctions against not only ‘persons unknown’, but also against unidentified and unknown persons that have not yet performed, or even threatened to perform, the acts which the injunction prohibits. Such persons are known as “newcomers” ...
The Seventh Circuit issued the third in a trilogy of opinions in October establishing the metes and bounds for criminal prosecutions of “spoofing”—a form of market manipulation, mostly in the commodities markets—that Congress expressly prohibited in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act. The decisions create a roadmap for government enforcers to bring more cases ...
In the New Year, the United States Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments over the damages a plaintiff can recover in a copyright infringement lawsuit. The Supreme Court will consider the question of whether damages are limited only to the three-year period before the plaintiffs filed suit, or whether they can be retrospectively awarded for a longer period, as long as the plaintiffs filed within three years of discovering the infringement. In Warner Chappell Music Inc. v ...
SyCipLaw Partners Ricardo P.G. Ongkiko (head of Litigation Department), John Christian Joy A. Regalado and Ma. Patricia B. Paz-Jacoba have written "International Commercial Arbitration in the Philippines," a chapter in the recently released Chambers International Arbitration 2023 Global Practice Guide (GPG) ...
As expected, the new Maritime Law significantly improves the maritime landscape in the UAE, and will no doubt seal the UAE as a shipping-hub in the region. On the precautionary arrest of a vessel front, the new law requires the applicant seeking an arrest of the vessel to provide security to cover the expenses of the crew, and to maintain the vessel ...
By: Anne Marie Ellis, John Epperson and Peter McGaw OEHHA is proposing a significant change to the Proposition 65 “short-form warning” to require that this warning identify a specific Proposition 65 (“Prop. 65”) chemical. Currently, the short-form warning requires identification of a toxicological endpoint (i.e. cancer or reproductive harm) but not the chemical that has triggered the warning requirement ...
The United States Supreme Court will soon decide whether public officials may be liable for blocking constituents on social media. On October 31, 2023, the Court heard oral argument in O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier[i] and Lindke v. Freed,[ii] cases in which local school board officials and a city manager, respectively, are alleged to have blocked constituents from commenting on, or viewing, public social media accounts used for both government business as well as personal affairs ...
On 6 November 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) announced that it had closed its investigation into a possible abuse of dominance by Proximus following the sale of EDPnet to Citymesh ...
A recent decision by the Ohio First District Court of Appeals holds the discovery rule does not apply to construction defect claims against design professionals. Generally, the discovery rule means that the applicable statute of limitations does not begin to run until the negligence is discovered by the injured party. However, in Breazeale v. Infrastructure & Development Engineering, Inc. (Appeal No ...
Contents Government attitude and definition Cryptocurrency regulation Sales regulation Taxation Money transmission laws and anti-money laundering requirements Promotion and testing Ownership and licensing requirements Mining Border restrictions and declaration Reporting requirements Estate planning and testamentary succession Government attitude and definition The BVI has established itself as a leading offshore finance centre that is resilient, agile and innovative in the
Contents Government attitude and definition Cryptocurrency regulation Sales regulation Taxation Money transmission laws and anti-money laundering requirements Promotion and testing Ownership and licensing requirements Mining Border restrictions and declaration Reporting requirements Estate planning and testamentary succession Government attitude and definition The Cayman Islands is a leading global financial centre and has developed a reputation as one of the world’s most
Contents Please click on the links below to jump to the relevant section: Government attitude and definition Cryptocurrency regulation Digital Asset Business Act Scope of the DABA Licensing requirement Application process Criteria to be met by licensees Continuing obligations of licence holders BMA’s supervision and enforcement powers Digital Asset Issuance Act Scope of DAIA Authorisation requirements Authorisation criteria Ongoing obligations BMA’s supervis
The court has considered the discretionary grounds of opposition under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (“the 1954 Act”) in the recent case of Gill v Lees News Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1178. In the case, the landlord - Mr Gill - served counter notices in response to section 26 requests for renewal tenancies pursuant to the 1954 Act served by the tenant, Lees News Ltd ...
By: Daniel Silva, Sanjay Bhandari, and Marshall Olney After dozens of high-profile criminal prosecutions and a growing wave of civil investigations, the Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) Covid-19 Fraud Enforcement Strike Force is poised to continue its pursuit of fraud, abuse, and waste related to various Covid-19 relief programs ...
October 26, 2023 By: Jarrett Osborne-Revis In Breanne Martin v. Leslie Gladstone, the Second District Court of Appeal recently decided a case that could reverberate throughout the receivership and bankruptcy industries. This case comes at a propitious moment as bankruptcy proceedings and receiverships – particularly for distressed commercial real estate entities – trend upward in California ...
Only five months after its first reading on 17 May 2023, the future is already in doubt for key aspects of the Renters (Reform) Bill. The changes proposed by the Bill include the abolition of ‘no fault’ evictions under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988, meaning that landlords would be required to rely on the more combative section 8 process ...
The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022 (PSTIA) received Royal Assent on December 6, 2022. The PSTIA makes various changes to the Electronic Communications Code (the Code) – however, its intended effects are only being felt piecemeal, as its provisions are being slowly brought into force through secondary legislation. Ss ...
The flight to quality in the UK’s commercial real estate market has been covered extensively over recent months. Nowhere is this shift being felt more acutely than in the office sector. According to Cushman & Wakefield, take-up of Grade A office space in Central London reached 2.44m sq ft during the first half of 2023 - increasing by 7 per cent on the five-year H1 average. There are many factors driving this shift ...