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The Court of Appeal has confirmed that a failure by the transferor to provide the information required by Regulation 13 of TUPE does not render the transfer ineffective (Marcroft v Heartland). The underlying dispute in this case concerned the enforcement of restrictive covenants in Mr Marcroft's contract.  He had been employed by PMI in its commercial insurance business ...

In Watson v University of Strathclyde, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that the inclusion of a particular member of staff on a panel to hear an appeal against a grievance amounted to a fundamental breach of contract, so that the employee who had brought the grievance was constructively dismissed ...

It is well established that an employer who provides a reference owes the employee who is the subject of the reference a duty to take reasonable care in preparing the reference ...

The Court of Appeal has ruled that career-long compensation will only be awarded in cases where an employee has little to no prospect of ever finding an equivalent job. (Wardle v Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank). Mr Wardle, aged 44, brought a race discrimination claim against his employers, the French bank Credit Agricole, when a French candidate was awarded a promotion ahead of him ...

The Court of Session has recently considered what is required to amount to a course of conduct under the Protection from Harassment Act (Marinello v City of Edinburgh Council).  Mr Marinello complained that, while he was employed by the Council, two of his superiors had subjected him to almost daily abuse and criticism and he brought an action under The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 ...

In a welcome decision for employers, the Employment Appeal Tribunal has considered the extent to which employment tribunals should investigate the employer's marking and scoring process in a redundancy procedure and held that detailed judicial scrutiny of the scores awarded in a redundancy process is inappropriate (Dabson v David Cover & Sons Ltd). Mr Dabson argued that he had been dismissed unfairly for redundancy ...

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held, in the case of Burns v Santander UK plc, that an employee who is remanded in custody for 6 months while awaiting trial was not entitled to claim wages for that period. Mr Burns was arrested and charged with various criminal offences.  He remained in custody for 6 months until his trial.  Santander wrote to him to say that he would not be paid while he was in custody ...

The Government launched its consultation on modern workplaces on 16 May 2011.  The consultation contains proposals for a system of shared flexible parental leave, the extension of the right to request flexible working to all employees, changes to the Working Time Regulations to deal with the interaction of holiday and sickness absence and proposals to require employers to carry out equal pay audits if they lose an equal pay claim ...

The Department for Business Innovation and Skills has now published its final guidance on the Agency Workers Regulations, which come in to force on 1 October 2011. The final guidance makes the provisions and requirements in relation to pay between assignments clearer especially in relation to annual leave.  There has also been a minor change to remove one-off non-contractual bonus payments from the definition of pay ...

Guidance to assist with determining who falls within the definition of a disabled person under the Equality Act 2010 came into force on 1 May 2011. It sets out the constituent parts of the statutory definition and provides examples to help to determine whether a person is disabled or not ...

The national minimum wage will increase from 1 October 2011 as follows: The adult rate (age 21 and over) will increase to £6.08 per hour. The development rate (for 18 to 20 year olds) will increase to £4.98 per hour. The rate for young workers (16 to 17 year olds) will increase to £3.68 per hour ...

The TUC and CIPD have updated their guidance on managing age to take into account good practice developments since 2006 and the phasing-out of the default retirement age from 6 April 2011. It supports the Acas guidance on managing without a retirement age and reflects the business case for extending working life and employing people of all ages ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | June 2011

As of 1 January 2012, shareholders of listed companies will obtain more rights as aconsequence of the transposition of the EU Shareholders’ Rights Directive intoBelgian federal law. However, unlike the Directive, the new Belgian Act alsoallows non-listed companies, mainly on an optional basis, to apply theShareholders’ Rights Act. On 20 December 2010, the Shareholders’ Rights Act was ratified ...

ALRUD Law Firm | June 2011

On May 4 2011 the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation published on its website the draft law on transfer pricing, which includes the amendments introduced after the first reading held o February 19, 2010 ...

Gianni & Origoni | May 2011

On 30 March 2011, Bank of Italy published a set of supervisory provisions concerning banks’ remuneration and incentive policies and practices (the “New Regulations”) with the purpose to implement the European Directive 2010/76/EC of 24 November 2010 (“Capital Requirements Directive III” or “CRD III Directive”) ...

Asters | May 2011

  Introduction   Sustainable energy use has a significant place in Ukraine's energy policy. The Energy Strategy to 2030 and the Economic Reform Programme for 2010 to 2014 both identify switching to alternative energy sources and achieving greater energy efficiency as key priorities ...

Gianni & Origoni | May 2011

On 5th May 2011, the Italian Government approved the much¨Cexpected Ministerial Decree (the ¡°Decree¡±), establishing new tariffs for photovoltaic plants (¡°Photovoltaic Plants¡±) entering into operation from 1st June 2011 and until 31st December 2016. The Decree was published in the Official Gazette on 12th May 2011 and entered in force on 13th May 2011 ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | May 2011

The Royal Decree of 3 March 2011 regarding the evolution of the supervisory architecture of the financial sector (“Koninklijk besluit betreffende de evolutie van de toezichtsarchitectuur voor de financiële sector” / “Arrêté royal mettant en oeuvre l'évolution des structures de contrôle du secteur financier”) (the “Royal Decree”) entered into force ...

PLMJ | May 2011

The General Framework for Taxation in Angola was approved in the National Assembly by Law 7/11 and published in the official gazette for Angola on 16 February. This piece of legislation is one of the steps in Angolan tax reform, the objectives of which are well-known ...

Gianni & Origoni | May 2011

Latest news on Italian Investment Funds: Italian Government withdraws proposed regulatory changes affecting real estate and private estate equity funds and adopts new taxation scheme for investors in real estate funds ...

PLMJ | May 2011

The Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the Portuguese State and the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission (“the Troika”) sets forth a range of goals and measures that shall be implemented by the Portuguese State in order to promote competition in the markets as a means to improve economic growth ...

The UK Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) is currently consulting on a fundamental review of the UK competition regime. This includes, amongst other proposals, the introduction of a mandatory merger regime and a combination of the hitherto distinct first and second phase authorities (the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and the Competition Commission) to form a single 'Competition and Markets Authority' (CMA) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2011

All businesses possess confidential information - trade secrets, customer lists, staff records - which could mean loss of business, reputational damage, or give competitors an advantage if leaked, whether deliberately or accidentally.Depending on the type of information disclosed and the type of organisation, there are potential consequences regarding public policy and data protection ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | April 2011

st1/:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } Antitrust law1 What are the legal sources that set out the antitrust law applicableto vertical restraints?  The main sources of law applicable to vertical restraints in Belgium are two acts of 10 June 2006 on the protection of economic competition and on the establishment of a Competition Council, as coordinated by the Royal Decreeof 15 September 2006 (‘the Competition Act’) ...

The UK Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) is currently consulting on a fundamental review of the UK competition regime. This includes, amongst other proposals, the introduction of a mandatory merger regime and a combination of the hitherto distinct first and second phase authorities (the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and the Competition Commission) to form a single 'Competition and Markets Authority' (CMA) ...
