Updated on June 1, 2020 National Immigration Authority: Residence Permitsare valid until June 7, 2020. This measure is in place since March 13. The suspension of administrative processesanduser service will belifted from June 8. In-person user service will be restored gradually and progressively: Between June 8 and June 12, only attorneys will be allowed to visit, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m ...
Regarding its functions, the UPME has been monitoring the demand for electrical energy and natural gas on a daily basis, in order to identify the impact of the measures taken to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the consumption of these energies. The following conclusions have been reached from this monitoring: Energy demand fell in April by 16.92% compared to the average scenario projected by the UPME and by 11.10% so far in May ...
The technical guidelines described below are a follow up to the order establishing the strategy for the reopening and return to social, educational, and economic activities published on May 14, 2020, which was subsequently amended (the “Order”). Our alert on the Order and its amendment can be found here and here ...
Bogota, Cali and Cartagena will maintain the isolation measures for a while longer.Find out here about the latest decisions incorporated by the mayors of Bogotá, Cali and Cartagena on the conditions under which they decide to extend all mandatory preventive isolation measures, Bogotá and Cali until June 15, 2020 and Cartagena for another month ...
On June 2, 2020, Resolution No. 36 was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which the National Mining Agency ("ANM") has changed Resolution No. 28/2020, which suspended the deadlines of certain procedural and material acts under its competence, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic ...
As a complement to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection guide for the reduction of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the Energy and mining industry, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) together with the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Joint Memorandum 01 of 2020 (the “Memorandum”) ...
Special Report "COVID-19 in Central America" on special measures taken in each country of our region prepared by the multidisciplinary team of Consortium Legal. The information contained in this publication is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information is constantly updated and is subject to change ...
On April 29, 2020, the Chilean IRS issued instructions regarding the tax treatment of expenses incurred in connection with the health emergency caused by Covid-19. Additionally, the Tax Authority refers to the general requirements for all expenses and the tax treatment of some donations. I. Regarding the general requirements on deduction of expenses In accordance with Article 31 of the Income Tax Law, recently amended by Law No ...
On May 7, 2020, the amendment to Decree No. 466 was published in the Official Gazette, which approves the Regulation of Pharmacies, Drugstores and other pharmaceutical establishments, regarding the sale of medicines through electronic means. Particularly, article 8 of said Decree is modified, in order to allow the electronic sale of medicines in pharmacies, incorporating the following sentence: "Pharmacies may dispense medicines through electronic means ...
The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (“Sernapesca”) has issued a series of resolutions. Resolutions No 672/2020 , No 725/2020 and No 805/2020 - that incorporate new measures to those indicated in Resolution No. 565 dated March 16, 2020 which authorized the adoption of certain measures in salmon farming centers in the context of COVID-19 ...
I. Update of sanitary measures published this week in the Official Gazette On Wednesday, May 13, Resolution No. 341 of the Ministry of Health was published, which provides for a series of sanitary measures, among which the following stand out, since they modify measures that have been implemented to date: Any concentration of more than 50 people in a certain place, regardless of its nature, or whether it takes place in open or closed spaces, is forbidden ...
Rule 2-2020, as amended by Rule 3-2020 of the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (hereinafter, “SBP,” for its initials in Spanish). On March 16, 2020, the SBP issued Rule 2-2020, which was subsequently amended by Rule 3-2020 (here in after referred to as “Rule 2-2020") and "establishes additional, exceptional and temporary measures for compliance with the provisions contained in Rule 4-2013 on credit risk".” ...
Guatemala dawns today with the validity of a law, contained in the Decree 15-2020, extremely harmful for the country, the economy, the industry and legal certainty, and in violation of the Constitution. This law allows for the possibility of not paying certain basic services (water, cable, telephony, power [sic] (electric power) and internet) by the users, and imposes the obligation to public and private supplier companies not to suspend, under any circumstances, their provision ...
At QIL + 4, prevention is key and our clients’ and team’s health the most important thing. Under the new measures implemented by the Guatemalan Government, we have analyzed the legal alternatives available for signing commercial and civil agreements virtually ...
The order described below is a follow-up to the order establishing the strategy for the reopening and return to social, educational, and economic activities, including additional industries to those considered essential, published on May 14, 2020 (the “Order”). (Our alert on the Order can be found here ...
Special Report "COVID-19 in Central America" on special measures taken in each country of our region prepared by the multidisciplinary team of Consortium Legal. The information contained in this publication is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information is constantly updated and is subject to change ...
Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Center for Energy Control (“CENACE”) notified users of the Market Information System of its “Order to guarantee the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and security of the National Electric System, motivated by the recognition of the epidemic of the illness caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19),” (the “Order”), via the Public Area of the Market Information System of its official web
In planning for the post-quarantine return to business activities, the Ministry of Labor (MITRADEL, for its initials in Spanish) based on Executive Decree No. 78 of March 16, 2020, has required business to create Special Committees on Health and Hygiene for the Prevention and Care of COVID-19. These committees must include representatives for both management and labor ...
The order described below is a follow-up to the order published on April 21, 2020 (the “Order”), that extended the immediate suspension of all non-essential activities in the public, private, and social sectors until May 30, 2020. (Our alert on the Order can be found here) ...
Peruvian Government delays Merger Control Regime. On May 11, 2020, the Peruvian Government enacted Legislative Decree No. 1510 (“Legislative Decree”) which delays the entry into force of the new merger control regime approved by Urgent Decree Nº 013-2019 (“Urgent Decree”) until March 1, 2021 and the approval of the Urgent Decree’s regulations, originally expected by May, 2020, until November, 2020 ...
Given the state of emergency declared by the Panamanian Government as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, the stay at home orders issued by the health authorities and the social distancing that is essential to control the outbreak, the technological tools available for companies to operate remotely are vital ...
Amendments to the Operating License Framework Act and the General Administrative Procedure Act are approved Today, May 10, Legislative Decree No. 1497 has been published, a standard that approves measures to promote and facilitate regulatory conditions that contribute to reduce the impact on the economy due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19, for which the Operating License Framework Act and the General Administrative Procedure Act have been amended accordingly ...
Through Executive Decree No. 145 of 1 May 2020 (the “Executive Decree”), enacted in Official Gazette 29,015 of the same date, the Panamanian Government established certain measures related to lease agreements and eviction procedures ...
The President of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (“APrA”), through resolution No 106/2020. ordered (i) To extend, for a period of ninety consecutive days, the validity of the certificates and the corresponding presentations to the administrative processes, whose maturities operate between March 16 and May 31, 2020 ...
Panama, May 4, 2020. The Superintendence of the Securities Market (the “SMV”) has implemented measures that allow its regulated entities to continue with their financial activities that, in accordance to the Executive Decree No° 507 of 24 March 2020, are exempted from the measures adopted by the Executive Branch for the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote Working In accordance to General Resolution SMV No ...