Delphi has acted as legal advisor to Veolia Sweden AB

September, 2017 - Stockholm, Sweden

Advokatfirman Delphi has acted as legal advisor to Veolia Sweden AB on its acquisition of CRVR ETT AB (uct Veolia Industrial Services Sweden AB) from Corvara.

Veolia Sweden AB have now carried out the acquisition of CRVR ETT AB (uct Veolia Industrial Services Sweden AB), comprising Corvara’s business area Industrial Services, comprising services for industrial cleaning, chemical cleaning and high pressure flushing. The transaction was completed on 1 September 2017.

Delphi's team was led by managing partner David Aversten, senior associate Rickard Isacson and associate Linn Strömberg.

David Aversten
Managing Partner/Advokat
Ph. +46 709 25 25 19
email: [email protected]
