Practice Expertise

  • Data Protection
  • Advertising, Marketing & Consumer Protection
  • Data Protection
  • Advertising, Marketing & Consumer Protection

Areas of Practice

  • Data Protection
  • Advertising, Marketing & Consumer Protection
  • Data Protection
  • Cybersecurity & Data Protection
  • Intellectual Property
  • View More

WSG Practice Industries

WSG Leadership

  • Intellectual Property Group - Member
  • Technology, Media & Telecommunications Group - Member


Leon Weinstok, Director of BLP in San Jose, is an expert in Cybersecurity & Data Protection and Advertising, Marketing & Consumer Protection. With extensive experience, he advises on the registration, protection, and defense of intangible assets, combating smuggling and piracy. He successfully leads cases of unfair competition. He advises local and global companies on implementing procedures and representing them in defense before the Data Protection Agency (PRODHAB) of Costa Rica. He also guides on data security strategies. In Advertising, Marketing & Consumer Protection, he designs promotions and contracts and resolves complaints. León joined BLP in 2015, after the merger with Weinstok Abogados.

Diploma in Intellectual Property, Universidad Católica, Chile, 2013.
Master in Commercial Law, Universidad Católica, Chile, 2013.
Law degree, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 2010.

Areas of Practice

  • Data Protection
  • Advertising, Marketing & Consumer Protection
  • Data Protection
  • Cybersecurity & Data Protection
  • Intellectual Property

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments
Leading numerous privacy compliance projects and conducting comprehensive data protection compliance assessments.

Assisting one of the most important credit bureaus before the Data Protection Agency.

Representing companies in privacy investigations by the Data Protection Agency.

Assisting major consumer products companies on advertising presentations and consumer protection-related issues that include reviewing advertising copy, securing rights from models and influencers, sponsoring events and handling customer complaints.

Drafting policies for consumer protections matters.

Professional Associations
  • International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP):?Co-chair of the KnowledgeNet Chapter
  • Costa Rica Bar Association: Member of the Intellectual Property Commission
  • International Bar Association: Member

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