
Event Type: All Event Types
Year: 2024 Past
Region: All Regions
Country/State: All Countries/ States

WSG IBA Annual Networking Luncheon 2024

16 September 2024Mexico City, Mexico
World Services Group invited members to attend the WSG IBA Networking Luncheon 2024 in Mexico City. WSG members who attend the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference and those in the region had the opportunity to network and strengthen their international business relationships.

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WSG Annual Meeting 2024

09 - 11 September 2024Papagayo, Costa Rica
World Services Group and BLP, welcomed WSG members to the WSG Annual Meeting 2024 held in Costa Rica. The meeting was held in the same region as the IBA Annual Conference happening the following week in Mexico City. The meeting program featured guest speakers, case studies, and panel perspectives on industry and global trending topics of interest to the members. There were several opportunities to network with worldwide WSG members attending to continue developing relationships and creating new opportunities.

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WSG European Meeting 2024

19 - 21 June 2024Rome, Italy
Gianni & Origoni hosted the WSG European Meeting 2024 in Rome, Italy. The program featured expert guest speakers, panels and interactive discussions, and offered great opportunities to network with colleagues in the region and globally.

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WSG ESG Group Europe Meeting 2024

13 - 14 June 2024Budapest, Hungary
The World Services Group ESG Group and host firm Szecskay Attorneys at Law welcomed members to the WSG ESG Group Europe Meeting in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting included a great program covering important topics within the industry and provided valuable networking opportunities.

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WSG Americas Meeting 2024

15 - 17 May 2024Phoenix, Arizona
Quarles and Brady and Consortium Legal invite WSG members to the WSG Americas Meeting 2024. The meeting will be held in Phoenix, Arizona and the program featured guest speakers, panels and discussions. This will be a great opportunity to reconnect through multiple networking opportunities with colleagues in the region. Quarles will offer U.S. practicing attorneys in attendance the opportunity to earn CLE credit where applicable and provide a Certificate of Attendance to all international practicing attorneys in attendance for use with their own CLE governing bodies. Please see the overview page for more details on the CLE.

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WSG APAC Regional Meeting 2024

22 - 23 April 2024Tokyo, Japan
World Services Group and Atsumi & Sakai welcomed WSG members to the WSG Asia Pacific Regional Meeting 2024 held in Tokyo, Japan. This program featured guest speakers, case studies, and representative panel perspectives. There were also several opportunities to network among the WSG members from the region and globally.

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WSG Patent Law Group Workshop 2024

04 - 06 April 2024Zurich, Switzerland
The WSG Patent Law Group held its annual group meeting hosted by Walder Wyss in Zurich, Switzerland. This meeting served as a workshop in a niche area as well as provided several networking opportunities.

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WSG IBA European M&A Luncheon 2024

08 February 2024Paris, France
World Services Group invited members to a WSG Networking Luncheon. This networking event was held in conjunction with the 12th IBA European Corporate and Private M&A Conference in Paris, France, and offered great networking opportunities for WSG M&A Professionals from across the network.

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WSG Banking and Finance Group Europe Meeting

01 - 02 February 2024Luxembourg, Luxembourg
The World Services Banking & Finance Group and host firm Arendt welcomed members to the WSG Banking and Finance Group Europe Meeting in Luxembourg. The meeting was a great opportunity for valuable networking opportunities and discussions on important topics within the industry.

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