Practice Expertise

  • Insurance
  • Health and Ageing
  • Health and Ageing Litigation
  • Health Advisory

Areas of Practice

  • Health Advisory
  • Health and Ageing
  • Health and Ageing Litigation
  • Insurance
  • Workers compensation
  • View More


As part of my practice, I advise and represent public and private hospitals. This includes assisting on litigated and non-litigated medical negligence claims in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the County Court of Victoria. I also work on coronial inquests and complaints lodged with the Health Complaints Commissioner.

In addition to advising on liability and quantum issues, I help health service providers comply with relevant health-based legislation. Clients are familiar with my keen eye for detail and easy-to-read written advice.

Career highlights

  • Australia’s largest asbestos manufacturer – acted in relation to claims involving injury and death, arising from exposure to asbestos
  • Acted in a number of complex and multi-party toxic tort claims, including other asbestos-related claims
  • Successfully defended a medical negligence claim over the course of seven days in court
  • Worked closely with industry experts on the formula applied in assessing dependency claims, which is currently under review
  • Regularly present to medical groups, hospitals and insurance industry groups on medico-legal issues


Areas of Practice

  • Health Advisory
  • Health and Ageing
  • Health and Ageing Litigation
  • Insurance
  • Workers compensation

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