Practice Expertise

  • Labour and Employment

Areas of Practice

  • Labour and Employment

WSG Practice Industries


Senior Associate

Camille practises in the firm's Employment and Labour Law Group.

She advises public, para-public and private sector employers on issues related to human resources management and on developing good employment relations.


  • LL.B., Université de Montréal, 2014

Areas of Practice

  • Labour and Employment

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments

She also represents the same employers in litigious matters involving individual and collective employment relations before the civil courts and administrative tribunals, particularly grievance arbitration tribunals and the Administrative Labour Tribunal.

During her legal studies, she articled for several administrative judges with the Commission des lésions professionnelles (now the Administrative Labour Tribunal). She also participated in the reform of the Jurist’s Skills course (Habiletés du juriste) at the Université de Montréal.

Camille joined the dynamic team of Lavery in 2020, after practising for a few years with another firm.


  • Author of the article "Gestion des produits dangereux : mieux vaut prévenir que guérir", which appeared in Grassmaniac, a specialized trade journal of the Quebec Golf Superintendents Association (October 2016)
  • Co-author of the article "Évaluation et congédiement d’un salarié en période de probation : tour d’horizon des critères applicables", published in the Bulletin en ressources humaines by Éditions Yvon Blais (September 2016)
  • Co-author of the article "Un employeur peut-il fonder aveuglément ses décisions sur celles d’autorités étrangères?", published in the journal VigieRT of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (September 2015)
  • Co-author of the article "Droit de l’emploi - Peut-on vérifier votre dossier de crédit lors de l’embauche?", which appeared in the legal journal Liaison, published by the Canadian Association of Paralegals (October 2015)

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