Significant issues can arise during the three phases of the design and construction process. Effective planning, performance and completion are critical to the success of any construction project. So is informed counsel that addresses a variety of business issues, including mergers and acquisitions, environmental and regulatory compliance, labor and employment, and bankruptcy and tax matters. The Bradley Construction team has extensive industry knowledge and experience that allows us to...

Practice Expertise
- Construction
- Government Contracts
- Energy
Areas of Practice
- Construction
- Energy
- Government Contracts
- International and Cross Border
- International Construction Contract ... View More
We mourn the passing of our partner and friend, Luke Martin, who passed away on October 4, 2021 after a lengthy and courageous battle with cancer. Read more about Luke's legacy and impact and his obituary.
Luke Martin helps his construction industry clients identify, plan for, and mitigate the risks faced on their construction projects. Luke understands thatevery construction project is unique, that each project is situated on its own site, with its own design, built under varying economic conditions and, mostimportantly, with its own set of stakeholders. He understands the considerable risks associated with each project, whether it be risks of delay, ofdiffering site conditions, of manpower shortages, or the simple risks of personality conflicts among the project participants.
Luke helps his clients navigate these risks from before the contract is signed all the way through contract closeout and dispute resolution. He advisesclients regarding contract negotiation, including the creation and revision of contract (and subcontract) documents before contract execution. His disputeresolution experience serves him well in this process, providing him insight into the risks that must be accounted for in each contract. After contractsigning, Luke advises clients regarding general project administration, including change order negotiations, claim preparation and defense, and thedrafting of project correspondence . If a dispute arises and the parties are unable to resolve their issues, Luke then represents his clients in thevarious dispute resolution arenas, including mediation, arbitration, and litigation.
Luke has advised clients with regard to projects of every shape and size, from large mega projects with contract values in the hundreds of millions ofdollars to small projects and everything in between. This includes involvement in construction projects for the federal government and its agencies, forstate and local governments, and for those in the private sector, including in the energy, oil and gas, and healthcare industries. Among other things, Lukehas advised clients designing or building commercial office buildings, retail centers, condominiums, schools, wastewater treatment centers, power plants,manufacturing facilities, liquefied petroleum gas pipelines, hospitals, and roads. These projects have been located across the country and around theglobe, with Luke having advised clients with regard to projects located in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,Texas, Virginia, and Washington, D.C, as well as international projects located in China, India, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, North Africa, Taiwan, andthe United Kingdom.
Luke’s dispute resolution experience includes arbitrations under the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), the International Chamber ofCommerce (ICC), and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR). Luke has also represented clients in state and federal court and before variousgovernmental boards, including the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals and the Alabama Building Commission.
Bar Admissions
- Alabama, 2006
Court Admissions
- United States District Court, Middle District of Alabama
- University of Virginia School of Law, J.D., 2006
- Indiana University, B.S., 2003, with high honors
Areas of Practice
- Construction
- Energy
- Government Contracts
- International and Cross Border
- International Construction Contract Negotiation, Administration, Dispute Avoidance, and Resolution
The Declassified blog offers commentary and insights on the latest class action suits, significant class action opinions, relevant changes to laws and rules, and important class action trends. Declassified covers topics ranging from significant Supreme Court and appellate court decisions regarding class certification requirements to proposed or enacted legislation, rules and regulations that impact class action litigation to key industry developments that may indirectly impact class action...
It Pays to Be Covered
Bradley's It Pays to Be Covered Blog discusses insurance law developments and industry trends in property and casualty insurance, including the growing cyber insurance market, coverage for drones, and blockchain exposures. We also address practical risk management strategies of interest to risk managers, legal staff, and corporate officers and directors responsible for property and casualty insurance policy portfolios, claims management, and resolution. Our attorneys provide insights based on...
Patent 213
Patent law, like most things in life, is subject to change. Changes to patent laws not only impact investment in your existing IP, but directly shape strategies to protect your freedom to operate. The Patent 213 blog provides up-to-date, insightful analysis of the evolution in the written description and enablement requirements of 35 USC 112 and the subject matter eligibility requirements of 35 USC 101. The Patent 213 blog analyzes key decisions from the district courts and the Federal Circuit,...
The Law of Order
Bradley’s The Law of Order blog serves as a general parliamentary procedure resource, providing information about creation and revision of governing documents (constitutions, bylaws, or rules), application of Robert’s Rules of Order and other procedural authorities in a variety of contexts (such as nonprofits, political parties, homeowners associations, unions, churches, trade associations), and leadership of any type of organizational meeting. In an effort to make all things parliamentary more...
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