Practice Expertise

  • Insurance

Areas of Practice

  • Insurance

WSG Practice Industries


I work with clients to navigate the complex regulatory requirements of the healthcare and medical research sectors. This includes advising on compliance with a wide range of legislative requirements, public health funding arrangements, privacy and regulation of data, managing data breaches, medical and health technology and devices, and medical research agreements. I have a deep understanding of the industry and its drivers.

In addition to my diverse practical experience, I have a Master of Laws from the University of Pennsylvania in the US, for which I specialised in health law, policy and bioethics.

I am dedicated to providing clients with prompt and practical legal advice.

Career highlights

  • Supported public agencies in their response to COVID-19 including data management, privacy and public health emergency powers.
  • Advised on access to Medicare benefits under State/Federal funding arrangements, advised private providers on compliance with Medicare rules, advised on availability of PBS medicines in public facilities.
  • Advised public and private hospitals in relation to secrecy, privacy and confidentiality obligations, managed privacy breaches including mandatory data breach reporting under the Privacy Act, advised on the implementation of the Australian My Health Record initiative.
  • Advised government, local private entities and in bound investors into the healthcare sector on a range of issues including regulation of dangerous drugs, regulation of diagnostic imaging and pathology businesses, compliance with TGA registration requirements and advertising restrictions.
  • Negotiated agreements and advised in relation to legal risks arising from research and clinical trial arrangements.
  • Supported the Gender Clinic at the Queensland Children’s Hospital, including bringing applications for hormone treatment in the Family Court of Australia.

LLM, LLB, BSc (Neuroscience)

Areas of Practice

  • Insurance

Professional Career


  • Privacy Act Review: Seven key considerations for the healthcare industry

    The Attorney-General's Department's new Issues Paper in relation to its Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) has some important considerations for the healthcare industry. We discuss the key issues.


  • TGA report reveals many cosmetic products and services are being advertised illegally

    A new TGA report appears to reveal a very limited understanding among the industry and consumers regarding the regulatory framework for cosmetic products and services which are therapeutic in nature.

  • Key insights from the new Queensland Privacy Commissioner

    Sonja Read spoke with Paxton Booth, Queensland's Privacy Commissioner about his previous roles, agenda and hot topics for 2022.

  • Government agrees to privacy consent proposals supporting research

    The Government has accepted the Privacy Act Review proposals regarding future research and further consultation on research permitted without consent.

  • Entering the future: Use of AI in the healthcare sector

    How are healthcare providers actually using AI? Here is a brief survey of the market.

  • The long road to Australian privacy reform

    The Federal Government's response to the Privacy Act 1988 review outlines reform plans and their impact on regulated entities.

  • The Community Support and Services Committee report recommendations for Queensland Parliament

    On 31 October 2022, the Community Support and Services Committee tabled its report into decriminalising public intoxication and begging offences, and health and social welfare-based responses.

  • Data's opportunities and risks for private health insurers

    The private health insurance industry has always been data driven. Data analytics are becoming more important and more powerful – and can be used as a critical tool in decision making. We examine how.

  • Changes to critical infrastructure laws in 2021: is your sector impacted?

    The Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (Cth) is currently before Parliament and may increase the regulatory burden for those responsible for critical infrastructure assets in designated 'critical' sectors, as well as the government's powers over those assets.

  • Queensland Legal Affairs and Safety Committee delivers its report into donor conception information

    On 31 August 2022, the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee tabled its report into matters relating to donor conception information before the Legislative Assembly. The report recommends Queensland Parliament introduce sweeping reform on the regulation of donor conception information. We discuss the key recommendations of the report that industry stakeholders need to be aware of.

  • Proposed Reforms to Queensland's Privacy and Right to Information Framework

    The Queensland Government released a consultation paper setting out proposed reforms to Queensland's privacy and right to information framework.

  • Responsible use of AI: New Australian guardrails released

    We explore the Australian Government's two newly released publications to guide the development and deployment of AI in Australia.

  • National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research updated

    The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has released an updated National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023 (National Statement). Set to commence on 1 January 2024, this is the first update to the National Statement since June 2018.

  • National Framework for the Assurance of AI in Government

    Federal, state and territory governments have released a new National Framework for the Assurance of Artificial Intelligence in Government.

  • Good Machine Learning Practice for medical devices

    The International Medical Device Regulators Forum is consulting on draft Guiding principles on good machine learning practice for medical device development.

  • Privacy reform in Queensland: It's (finally) time to prepare

    New obligations will apply to Queensland government agencies. We provide tips to prepare for the commencement of these Privacy amendments.

  • $2.9m fine for misleading conduct relating to disclosure of personal information

    Where misuse of personal information amounts to mising deceptive conduct under the Australian Consumer Law, the ACCC has shown that it will take action.

  • Facial recognition technology: who’s watching?

    We look at recent developments in facial recognition technology, including the investigation into technology developed by Clearview AI.

  • Innovation meets regulation: Medical devices and artificial intelligence

    When is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical devices regulated? This article provides a quick summary of the key things healthcare providers and innovators need to know. It also outlines the key implications of updated guidance by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) on 3 July 2024.

  • Harnessing meaningful innovation to transform the health industry

    We examine how organisations can unlock meaningful digital and data innovation to enable safe digital transformation that both improves patient outcomes and clinician experience.

  • What is the difference between privacy and cyber security?

    Privacy and security are not the same thing – though they are related in many ways. How can organisations make privacy a priority in IT projects?


  • OAIC releases its annual report for 2019-2020

    The OAIC's 2019-2020 annual report (OAIC Report) was published on 15 October 2020, and provides a thorough review of the OAIC's functions over 2019-2020. This post details some of the key items set out in the OAIC Report.

  • RTI Reform in Queensland. What is the impact on your agency?

    Long awaited changes to the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) have passed. We examine the changes and how agencies can prepare.

  • Decoding proposed Online Privacy Code and Privacy Act Review

    The Attorney-General's Department is continuing to progress broad privacy reform to reflect the new requirements of the 'digital age'. In two parts, we examine in detail the recently published Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper and the exposure draft of the Online Privacy Bill.



  • Regulatory changes for software based medical devices

    Regulatory changes for software based medical devices will commence on 25 February 2021. With telehealth technologies, wearable devices and various health and wellbeing apps thriving, software developers and technology device manufacturers should be asking the question: Is my product a medical device?

  • Assisted reproductive technology reform in Queensland

    On 22 May 2024, the Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2024 was introduced into the Queensland Parliament

  • Voluntary Assisted Dying in Queensland

    Overnight, Queensland has become the fifth Australian State to legalise voluntary assisted dying. We explore key considerations for entities operating in the health, aged and care services sectors to prepare for implementation.

  • Queensland Parliament to consider donor-conceived register

    On 24 February 2022, the Attorney General and Minister for Justice announced that Queensland Parliament has referred the rights of donor-conceived persons to access genetic information about their donors to the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee for inquiry.

  • New privacy law sees tougher penalties and enforcement powers for serious and repeated privacy breaches

    The Australian federal government has passed the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Bill 2022.

  • The most sweeping reforms to Australian privacy law in over twenty years

    The Federal Government has released its long-awaited report of the Attorney-General's Department review of the Privacy Act 1988. We explore the proposed reforms and their impacts in detail.

  • TGA to expand regulatory oversight of personalised medical devices

    Some previously exempt custom-made and personalised medical devices (including some 3D printed devices) are now subject to new regulatory requirements.

  • The COVIDSafe app - five key considerations

    The Australian government’s contact tracing app ‘COVIDSafe’ is now available for download. How can the personal data collected be used? We set out five key considerations about the COVID-19 app, looking at how privacy is protected.

  • Important changes to National Health Reform Agreement for public health

    Changes to the National Health Reform Agreement will take effect from 1 July 2020. These will impact the claiming of Medicare benefits for private health services provided within public hospitals.

  • Mind matters: Colorado amends privacy laws to protect neural data

    The Colorado Privacy Act has recently been amended to protect "neural data". We explore the key changes and whether Australia's Privacy Laws are keeping pace.

  • Health sector faces more cyber attacks than any other

    According to the OAIC, 23% of recent data breaches occurred in the health sector. Our report explores cyber risk trends, the unique challenges facing health organisations and how they can mitigate risk.

  • Changes to telehealth: what you need to know

    Ahpra's new Telehealth Guidelines will come into effect on 1 September 2023. The Guidelines will change when and how doctors can provide telehealth consultations.

  • Release of the data availability and transparency bill

    The proposed Data Availability and Transparency Bill, introduced in September 2020, offers an alternative path for the Commonwealth Government to share data. We discuss what it means for entities seeking access to public sector data.

  • New regulatory framework for sharing Commonwealth public sector data - the DATA Scheme

    The Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 (Cth) (DATA Act) establishes a new regulatory framework for the controlled sharing of Commonwealth public sector data.

  • First Security of Critical Infrastructure Bill is now live

    On 2 December 2021 the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2021 (Cth) received royal assent and became law in Australia. We explore what it means going forward.

  • Shared medical record platform in Victoria

    This article summarises the changes to the Health Services Act 1988 (Vic)(HSA).


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