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Shoosmiths LLP | September 2024

Force majeure remains a hot topic when it comes to contracts. Following the pandemic, Suez Canal blockage and international sanctions, parties to contracts have been looking at how to possibly recover their losses or minimise the effects of delays. One question that had arisen was whether contracting parties could be forced to find a way around the issues by being commercially minded, particularly where they had an obligation to use reasonable endeavours to overcome the force majeure event ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | September 2024

  The Court of Justice of the European Union (the “CJEU”) has issued a decision (C-109/23) on a reference for a preliminary ruling requested by a German court in relation to a potential breach of restrictive measures issued against Russia ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2024

The High Court has ruled on water neutrality – an issue impacting the determination of planning applications across West Sussex and beyond - for the first time ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2024

The decision of the Supreme Court in R (Finch) -v- Surrey County Council and others [2024] UKSC 20 (Finch) has set a clear benchmark for the scope of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) undertaken in connection with carbon intensive developments in the UK. However, the Finch case is not just relevant to projects concerning fossil fuel extraction ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | August 2024

  On the 9th of July 2024, the MFSA published a Circular setting out its expectations with regards to the requirements listed in paragraph 6 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2024

The much-anticipated revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published for consultation on 30 July, with the consultation running until 24 September. The consultation document extends more widely than changes to the NPPF itself, centred around the three pillars of stability, investment and reform. This article looks at the proposed reform. It should be said at the outset that much in the NPPF remains as before and the reforms might be regarded as tweaks ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2024

Whilst the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) contains a number of potentially game changing new policy proposals, many of the changes aim to re-wind the clock to the pre-December 2023 version of the NPPF. This is to encourage short-term growth through restored stability in the planning system ...

Carey | August 2024

Subsequent to the amendments to the Mining Code and other mining legislation that were introduced by Laws No. 21,420, of February 2022, and No. 21,649, of December 2023, on August 2nd there were published in the Official Gazette the Decrees No. 9 and 10 of the Ministry of Mining, which approved the Regulations on the obligation to submit geological information, and amended the Mining Code Regulations, respectively. Decree No ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2024

The Welsh Government has given some insight into its direction of travel in terms of implementing the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA) in Wales with the publication of the Building Safety Act 2022 Handbook for Wales Design and Construction Phase. This confirms that the BSA will be implemented in Wales in phases. The handbook summarises the work that has commenced in the first stage including: defining what is a higher-risk building in Wales for the design and construction phase ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2024

Shoosmiths hosts a panel discussion examining Greater Manchester's Places for Everyone spatial strategy following its formal adoption, focusing on the transition from the strategy phase to implementation and delivery. Places for Everyone was formally adopted on 21 March 2024 after a decade in the making ...

Carey Olsen | July 2024

Cyber reporting requirements for Bermuda insurers, insurance managers and insurance intermediaries following the CrowdStrike faulty software update Key reporting obligations Prompt notification Bermuda insurers, insurance managers and insurance intermediaries (including brokers, agents and insurance marketplace providers) (each, a "Registered Person") must forthwith notify the BMA upon coming to the knowledge, or having a reason to believe, that a cyber reporting event has occurred ...

Buchalter | July 2024

July 23, 2024 By:  Emily Chaidez What happens when a policyholder seeks to bring an action against its insurer for violation of California’s Unfair Competition Law (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 17200 et seq ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | July 2024

  In a judgment decided on the 26th of June 2024 in the names Marcus Scicluna Marshall et vs Michael Borg Cardona, the Court of Appeal in its Inferior Jurisdiction confirmed that no appeal can be filed from the rate established by the Rent Regulation Board to increase the rent for leases predating the year 1995 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2024

Today marks a pivotal shift towards a more pro-development approach. This recognises the importance of creating more quality, sustainable, and mixed-tenure homes, boosting residential supply across the UK, and understanding that this is central to delivering the economic growth the country needs. The reinstatement of mandatory housing targets and the strengthening of devolution powers are crucial first steps in accelerating housing provision. If the government aims to meet its 1 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2024

The Chancellor’s statement on 8 July 2024 stated that mandatory housing targets will be restored as part of the reform of the National Planning Policy Framework in England and Wales. This is expected to be included in the King’s speech on 17 July. The planning regime in Scotland is devolved and it is the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) that applies. Challenges and court cases followed the publication of NPF4 in February 2023 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2024

The Supreme Court has decided that most collateral warranties will not be construction contracts and unanimously allowed the appeal of the Court of Appeal decision in Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Limited v Simply Construct (UK) LLP [2022]. Background Under s.108 of the Housing Grants, Construction & Regeneration Act 1996 (Construction Act), parties to a construction contract have a right to refer disputes arising under those contracts to adjudication ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2024

Introduction On July 2, 2024, the Superior Court rendered a decision in Lallier c. Société d?assurance Beneva inc.,1 ruling on an insured?s claim against his insurer for an insurance benefit further to a loss, as the insurer had denied coverage, alleging the insured?s intentional fault. Despite the absence of hard evidence of the insured?s intentional fault, the Court ruled in favour of the insurer based on evidence established by presumption ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | July 2024

Recently, the Ohio General Assembly passed a bill, Substitute S.B. 40, which will enter Ohio as a party to the new Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact, and ultimately allow dentists and hygienists practicing in other compact states to practice in Ohio. This summer, the compact will form its commission, and will continue to work on operationalizing into 2025 before officially opening privilege applications ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2024

Shoosmiths brings together leading developers, asset managers and investors, as well as energy, planning, policy and legal experts, for a roundtable discussion on overcoming power supply challenges to support the delivery of innovative and resilient developments that balance financial and environmental objectives ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | June 2024

  A new set of regulations regulating the grant of a temporary emphyteutical concession to the emphyteuta, tenant or operator of Government-owned commercial property came into force on 4th June 2024 in virtue of Legal Notice 131 of 2024 (the “Regulations”) ...

Carey Olsen | June 2024

Carey Olsen advises Patron Capital on its latest European real estate fund This is the third Patron Capital fund domiciled in Jersey under the island's well-established Expert Fund regime. Fund VII will continue the to employ Patron Capital's opportunistic investment strategy which focuses primarily on distressed and/or undervalued property and property related investments, mostly in Western Europe, and has a welcome ESG focus ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | June 2024

A recent Supreme Court decision means that owners of closely held companies with company-owned life insurance policies should take extra precautions to avoid an unexpectedly large estate tax bill from the IRS. On June 6, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States decided in Connelly v ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2024

On 3 May 2024, the Court of Session upheld the Scottish Ministers’ decision to refuse Miller Homes Ltd planning permission for 250 houses in West Calder.  The decision is the first occasion on which the Court has considered Policy 16 of the NPF4 (Quality Homes) and confirms the approach to be adopted when considering applications for development of unallocated housing sites in the absence of an adopted local development plan postdating NPF4 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2024

On 17 April 2024, the JCT Design and Build 2024 (JCT DB 2024) was published. This is the first contract published in the new JCT 2024 suite, with further contracts set to be published on a rolling basis over the coming year. There are some notable changes, but overall the JCT has taken a balanced approach on the extent of the changes, building on the previous JCT Design and Build 2016 (JCT DB 2016). An understanding of the key changes is essential for those looking to adopt the new form ...
