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Karanovic & Partners | July 2013

Serbia Following the last amendments to the tax laws, the Ministry of Finance has since prepared several rulebooks to help implement the amended legal provisions. Amongst these, the Rulebook on Transfer Pricing is the most important. Other rulebooks of the Ministry prescribe new forms of tax returns for tax payable on capital gains and income from the lease of movable and immovable assets, and newly introduced withholding tax on income from the sale of scrap and waste ...

The draft law governs the organization and functioning of the natural gas sector, rules and conditions for carrying out energy activities in this sector, planning and development of the natural gas market, market regulation, "unbundling" of activities, third party access to natural gas systems ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2013

After the recent change in the practice of the authorities with respect to protection offered to pregnant definite term employees from having their employment terminated, which gained much media attention and resulted in significant public reaction, the Serbian Parliament has adopted the Law on Amendments of the Labour Law at the beginning of April 2013 ...

Karanovic & Partners | January 2013

In July 2012 the Croatian Parliament abolished the rule that had enabled employees to receive salaries and other benefits as agreed in collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), years after the CBAs had ceased to be in force.For decades companies with a large number of employees, through the CBAs, were establishing a minimum level of employees’ rights, such as vacation bonuses, Christmas bonuses and loyalty bonuses ...

Karanovic & Partners | January 2013

Grid Code amended In December of last year, the Serbian Transmission System Operator amended the Grid Code. These amendments did not substantially change the code, but did introduce changes in: - technical conditions for connecting to the grid, including specific conditions for connecting generating units, and - access to the grid. The amendments are published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 02/12 ...

Karanovic & Partners | December 2012

The European Commission recently fined seven international company groups with a total fine of around 1.47 billion EUR for two distinct cartels related to cathode ray tubes (CRT) used in colour television sets and computer monitors. The investigation was initiated after a leniency application by one of the cartel members. The cartel concerned price-fixing, market-sharing, production quotas and prohibited information exchanges ...

Karanovic & Partners | June 2012

New amendments to the Regulation on Health Conformity of Dietetic Products have entered into force on 28 May 2012. Here are some of the most significant changes that are prescribed by these amendments to the Regulation. As a reminder, this is a regulation that introduced the obligation of the registration of dietetic products (including supplements) in July 2010, and is a regulation that regulates the issues of labelling and the composition of these products in details ...

Karanovic & Partners | June 2012

The provision of gifts and hospitality to public officials has recently been the subject of a number of news stories in the Serbian media, covering not only the official reports on the variety of protocol gifts received by the high ranking officials from the leaders of other countries, but also the alleged corruption affairs involving the potential bribing of various lower-level officials by companies and individuals seeking an unfair advantage in the market ...

Serbia Karanovic and Nikolic IP Regional Partner to attend 134th International Trademark Association’s (INTA) Annual Meeting in Washington DC   IP Regional Partner in the Karanovic and Nikolic Law Office, Mr. Dragomir Kojic, along with Mrs. Mirna Lalic from our Sarajevo office, attended the 134th Annual INTA Meeting held in Washington DC. The Conference was very successful ...

On the 27th of February 2012, the Montenegrin Parliament enacted amendments to the Law on Corporate Income Tax, the Law on Personal Income Tax and the Law on Contributions for Mandatory Social Security Contributions. These amendments were published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 14/12 dated the 7th of March 2012 and came into force that same day.I ...

Karanovic & Partners | February 2012

Serbia - Delays in Issuance of Regulations Necessary for Implementation of the New Energy Law As we reported back in August 2011[1], the Serbian Parliament adopted the new Energy Law in July 2011 introducing very important changes in the area of renewable energy sources (RES) ...
