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Karanovic & Partners | September 2016

Recent news reports from Bosnia tell us that the BiH government, represented by the federal prime minister for economic issues and investments, Suvad Osmanagic, paid a visit to Bihac with Ludovico Camozzi, the president and owner of Camozzi – an Italian company that produces industrial automation machinery. The main purpose of this visit was to see Kombiteks, a textile production company that has been in bankruptcy and in and out of operation for the past 15 years ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2020

This is a question being asked by many companies. Is the severity of this event such that it enables companies to temporarily (or permanently) be excused from performance of their contractual obligations? As is often the case with legal questions, it depends. The term “force majeure” does not have a recognised meaning under English law ...

Karanovic & Partners | June 2019

This article was written by Igor Angelovski and was originally published in Issue 6.2 of the CEE Legal Matters Magazine. “If you are a company conducting business in the automotive industry with intentions of expanding on the European market, where do you look? The answer may be the Central European country of Slovenia ...

Dykema | June 2006

Keeping in Shape – Trademark Protection of Product ConfigurationsThe development of unique and distinctive product configurations allows the producer of the product to achieve more bang for its marketing dollar. The consumer not only cognitively associates the manufacturer’s word mark with the product, but also its configuration. In this context, the oft cited example is the Coca-Cola bottle shape ...

Beccar Varela | December 2020

In this report, you will find a summary of two important resolutions published in the Official Gazette. Resolution No. 191/2020 Today, Resolution No. 191/2020 of the National Institute of Industrial Property was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which it was established that all communication deadlines made by the National Patent Administration and published in the Patents Bulletin will begin to run as from thirty (30) calendar days from said publication ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | July 2023

 In Industrial Tribunal case number 3642/CCG, the applicant claimed that he had been subjected to discrimination, lack of equal pay, a breach of the grievance procedure under the collective agreement, lack of payment of a performance bonus and constructive dismissal. Firstly considering discrimination, the applicant argued that he was not allowed to avail himself of a career break to work with a company operating in the financial services industry ...

Gianni & Origoni | August 2011

A new change in the Italian regulation of the industrial design has been recently introduced by section 8, paragraph 10, of Law Decree no. 70 of May 13, 2011 (“First urgent provisions for the economy”), aimed at restricting the temporary protection granted to industrial design works under copyright law under section 239 of the Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree no. 30 of February 10, 2005, as amended by Legislative Decree no ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2021

The government’s recently announced low-carbon industrial sector strategy, supported by over £1 billion in funding to cut emissions from industry and public buildings, if nothing else, shows great ambition but does it also deliver the wherewithal to achieve those objectives? It builds on the proposals in the Energy White Paper which themselves expanded upon the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution announced by Prime Minister in November last year ...

Makarim & Taira S. | December 2014

The Head of the National Agency for Food and Drug Control (BPOM) has issued Regulation No. 11 of 2014 on The Procedure for the Certification of Good Manufacturing Practices, ensuring compliance with the applicable standards for processed food. Regulation 11 has been in force since 5 August 2014 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | February 2015

Under Regulation No. 122/M-IND/PER/12/2014 on Delegation of Authority to Grant Industrial Business Licenses to the Head of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board, the MOT has delegated its authority to issue certain licenses to BKPM. Business licenses delegated consist: 1. Industrial Business License and/or Expansion Licenses as follows: a. alcoholic beverages industry; b. valuable paper industry; c. weapons and ammunition industry; d ...

Carey | April 2023

The Chilean Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) has recently announced the possibility to apply to a program for fast-tracking patent’s and utility model’s applications, provided that said applications relate to technical solutions capable of impacting the environment positively ...

Heuking | March 2020

The currently unstoppable strong spread of COVID-19 and the resulting restrictions on public life, such as quarantine measures and curfews, which are imposed in EU Member States and worldwide and which are sometimes very drastic, are also increasingly impairing the ability to work and communicate. In the meantime, various IP Offices have also reacted to this. 1 ...

On May 17, 2021, the United States Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) publicly disclosed letters which were sent to six major pharmaceutical manufacturers. HRSA’s letters expressly state that each manufacturer is currently in violation of the Federal 340B Program statute as a result of policies restricting contract pharmacies and covered entities from access to 340B Program discounted medication ...

Dykema | March 2020

The extent of disruption caused by COVID-19 is unknowable at this time. However, it is likely that there will be suppliers unable to economically weather the storm. Having represented manufacturing customers and suppliers for decades, one thing is certain: even the most sophisticated entities make costly mistakes in addressing distressed suppliers without realizing they paid more as a customer than was necessary ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2020

 At Lavery, we spend a lot of time searching patent databases on behalf of our clients. Occasionally, we come across certain patents / applications whose cleverness and creativity make a lasting impression. At this time of year, our attention is naturally drawn to those that are holiday themed. And so, in the spirit of the holidays, we thought it would be nice to share some of them with you ...

The English Court of Appeal has thrown out an attempt to appeal a decision in favour of Dyson about spare parts for Dyson vacuum cleaners. Dyson sued spare parts supplier Qualtex for infringement of Dyson's unregistered design rights (UDR) in 14 spare parts manufactured by Qualtex. The spare parts were deliberately designed to look like the originals, known as "pattern parts" in the trade ...

On August 25, 2020, Board Resolution No. 003-2020-EF/68.0 was published in the Official Gazette “El Peruano”, approving the “Guidelines for the State's response to the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Public Private Partnership projects” (the “Guidelines”) ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

You’ve read the qualifying language before: across the country, construction projects are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We thought it important to prepare guidelines to assist contractors in navigating the situation from a risk management perspective. The situation is dynamic and will change quickly. A one-size-fits-all solution does not exist, and this global challenge continues to evolve. What works today may not address tomorrow’s needs ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2016

Last week, Greece's biggest tobacco company, "Seke", acquired four hectares of land in the industrial zone of Kruševo, Macedonia. It has been reported that the company's plan is to build a factory for tobacco processing there, and that the honorary investment in this case amounted to EUR 5 million. The main cause of interest in this area for Seke were the region's favourable conditions for tobacco growth, as well as the presence of good-quality, highly professional workers ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | November 2020

In the age of COVID-19, demand for surface wipes, sprays and similar products is at record levels. Retail stores have struggled to keep supplies stocked and shelves may once again be emptied when the winter flu season arrives. If schools and businesses reopen concurrently, the prospects of securing these products becomes even bleaker, which may re-fuel consumer stockpiling ...

Karanovic & Partners | March 2017

Resale price maintenance and price-fixing has been and still is under scrutiny by the Croatian Competition Agency (the "Agency"). Carrying on from a number of high-profile cases, in February 2017 the Agency fined Gorenje Zagreb, a subsidiary of Slovenia's premier manufacturer of household appliances for HRK 1,557,000 (approximately EUR 206,000) ...

Gianni & Origoni | October 2023

Space economy, Gianni & Origoni launches the “Space Law” practice Dealflower October 3, 2023 The international law firm Gianni & Origoni announces the launch of its Space Law practice , with the aim of providing Italian and international clients with integrated legal assistance that responds to the growing needs of the Space Economy  ...

Getting the Deal Through – Shipbuilding is part of the series of Getting the Deal Through law guides published by Law Business Research that provide an overview of specialist areas of the law in a variety of international jurisdictions. It is published annually and the seventh edition, covers 13 jurisdictions. Leading practitioners from each jurisdiction answer the same key questions ...
