In 2019, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2001, which was aimed at providing more affordable housing to Oregonians. To achieve that goal, HB 2001 made it easier to build denser housing in residential zones by requiring medium-size cities to allow duplexes on each lot or parcel zoned for residential use that allows single-family homes ...
For the unaided construction contractor, navigation of changing vaccine mandates can be daunting, and it is no wonder there continues to be confusion about these mandates’ effects. Members of the construction industry have been discussing these rules in terms of how they apply to contractors working on federal or state projects ...
Historically, small contractors in the construction business have found it difficult to break into the federal market not because of a lack of skill or knowledge, but because they could not demonstrate the past performance required by many federal solicitations. On July 22, the Small Business Administration (SBA) released a final rule that will hopefully provide greater opportunity for contractors to compete for federal construction procurements ...
Revitalization of brownfields has long been considered a centerpiece of community efforts to encourage growth and development of properties impacted by contamination. But the additional complexity and cost of addressing pre-existing contamination often sinks projects that might otherwise have positive economic and development potential. This is especially true inside Oregon’s urban growth boundaries ...
Multiemployer pension plan (MEPP) withdrawal liability often costs millions of dollars, even for small employers. People weighing whether to buy or sell a construction company (or its assets) will want to be aware of any potential withdrawal liability that may be assessed. Employers that withdraw from an underfunded MEPP are subject to withdrawal liability under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) ...
Utility bills can bring unwelcome surprises: a water bill that reminds you of the extra irrigation costs incurred during a heat wave, an electric bill that makes you realize how much extra power is used when working from home or gaming nonstop, an embarrassing cable bill documenting how many shows you binge-watched last month ...
While architects and engineers take responsibility for the safety of the buildings they design, they usually are not responsible for protecting the property or the people on-site during construction. If a finished building falls because of improper design, the architects and engineers who stamped the drawings will be the prime suspects for the failure ...
The window for low-income service providers to take advantage of funds available through the Oregon Solar+ Storage Rebate Program is closing. Each year, 25 percent of the program’s budget is allocated to low-income and moderate-income homeowners and service providers. This year, the non-income-restricted funds have already been disbursed, and only low-income and moderate-income restricted funds remain ...
Oregon residential developers have many factors to consider when constructing and later transitioning community association projects to a homeowners association or condominium owners association. There are various concerns to address at each phase of the project, from financing to turnover. Being mindful of these considerations and clearly stating the transition plan can make things easier for both developers and community associations in the long run ...
As communities continue to be shocked at the gas pump, soaring inflation and whispers of “recession,” we have noted an increase in layoffs in certain industries — particularly technology, retail and food. Given the economic uncertainty, our regional developers and builders could also feel the adverse impacts. These impacts could, unfortunately, require companies to consider layoffs or reductions in force (RIFs) ...
Did you read the title insurance policy jacket from your most recent real estate transaction? If so, it may have looked different. Title insurance policies are a staple of real estate transactions that are used by both owners and lenders to protect against covered property losses, up to a certain coverage amount, stemming from liens, encumbrances, third-party claims of ownership, and other defects pertaining to the insured property ...
Maritime operators should diligently enact and follow policies and procedures on personal leave and drinking ashore. In a recent decision from the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana, the court refused to dismiss claims against a tugboat operator by estates of two crewmembers killed while operating a skiff, In re Chester J. Marine, LLC, No. 20-214 (M.D. La. Nov. 10, 2022) ...
Last spring, many businesses did the unthinkable. In response to the spread of Covid-19 and subsequent stay-at-home orders, they seemingly overnight deployed fully remote workforces. Then everyone breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that a fully distributed workforce ... works. As it turns out, cybercriminals were among those most eager to take advantage of distributed workforce arrangements ...
There is increasing interest in integrating renewable energy sources into the power grid in the United States. In particular, interest in offshore wind development is growing rapidly. Shortly after taking office, President Biden issued an executive order stating his goal to double offshore wind production by 2030.[1] With leases for offshore wind projects on the East Coast currently being issued, and the construction of two projects already approved, several others are likely to follow soon ...
Oral Argument Scheduled for April 8 on Federal Contractor Vaccine Mandate Injunction Scheduled for April 8, 2022, with each side being afforded 15 minutes for argument. It appears that oral argument may be livestreamed by the 11th Circuit. Injunction Against Federal Contractor Vaccine Mandate Oral argument held on the United States’ appeal of a federal district court judge’s December 7, 2021, decision in Georgia v. Biden, Case No ...
The Oregon legislature passing Senate Bill 1501 in March of this year set the stage for the Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF’s) rulemaking process to implement a comprehensive set of changes to Oregon’s Forest Practices Act (FPA). The rulemaking process is now nearing its conclusion. ODF held hearings and informational meetings on draft rules implementing changes to the FPA stemming from the Private Forest Accord Report throughout September ...
The Oregon Legislature adopted a bill in 2021 to ensure planned communities eliminate discriminatory language from their governing documents by the end of this year. House Bill 2534, which amends Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) chapters 94 and 100, imposes a responsibility on homeowners associations and condominium associations to review their governing documents and remove certain discriminatory language ...
The Oregon Legislature adopted a bill in 2021 to ensure planned communities eliminate discriminatory language from their governing documents by the end of this year. House Bill 2534, which amends Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) chapters 94 and 100, imposes a responsibility on homeowners associations and condominium associations to review their governing documents and remove certain discriminatory language ...
On May 13, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) issued new recommendations for individuals who are fully vaccinated. Specifically, the CDC stated that fully-vaccinated individuals[1] can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing. However, the CDC’s guidance specifically does not override federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations as they related to masks and physical distancing requirements ...
When Oregon Occupational Safety and Health (Oregon OSHA) adopted permanent rules related to COVID-19 back in May 2021, it did so with the caveat that it would repeal the rules once it determined that they were no longer necessary to address the pandemic. As of June 30, 2021, Oregon OSHA has formally removed the facial covering and physical distancing requirements for most workplaces under Oregon OSHA’s jurisdiction ...
It is a truism to say that infill development in Oregon is fraught and expensive. This is apparently not lost on the Legislature, which over the past four years has enacted a number of laws to reduce local permitting barriers on infill projects in an attempt to provide for more affordable and middle-income housing ...
The Oregon Supreme Court recently reversed a decision of the Oregon Court of Appeals and determined that the lease of a vested hydroelectric water right to the state for instream uses did not qualify as the “use of water under a hydroelectric water right” under Oregon Revised Statute 543A.305(3). WaterWatch v. Oregon Water Resources Department, 369 Or. 71 (2021) (hereafter referred to as Warm Springs Hydro, after intervenor respondent Warm Springs Hydro LLC) ...
The Oregon Supreme Court recently reversed a decision of the Oregon Court of Appeals and determined that the lease of a vested hydroelectric water right to the state for instream uses did not qualify as the “use of water under a hydroelectric water right” under Oregon Revised Statute 543A.305(3). WaterWatch v. Oregon Water Resources Department, 369 Or. 71 (2021) (hereafter referred to as Warm Springs Hydro, after intervenor respondent Warm Springs Hydro LLC) ...
The Oregon Supreme Court recently reversed a decision of the Oregon Court of Appeals and determined that the lease of a vested hydroelectric water right to the state for instream uses did not qualify as the “use of water under a hydroelectric water right” under Oregon Revised Statute 543A.305(3). WaterWatch v. Oregon Water Resources Department, 369 Or. 71 (2021) (hereafter referred to as Warm Springs Hydro, after intervenor respondent Warm Springs Hydro LLC) ...
On November 4, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Authority (“OSHA”) issued the 490-page Emergency Temporary Standard for COVID-19 Vaccinations and Testing (“ETS”), which is to be effective as of November 5, 2021. The ETS will remain in effect for six months, when it is expected to become a permanent rule. The ETS itself is available here ...