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Tag: covid19
Buchalter | April 2020

April 21, 2020 Cities in California have been implementing local ordinances providing for emergency supplemental paid sick leave for local workers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which adds complexity for employers navigating the rapidly changing obligations resulting from the pandemic ...

Buchalter | May 2020

The Federal Reserve has published more detailed information about the soon to be launched Main Street Lending Program (MSLP) designed to assist businesses with up to 10,000 employees or up to $2.5 billion of annual revenue which have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Buchalter | April 2020

On April 16, the CFPB issued a HMDA final rule increasing the number of closed-end mortgage loans and/or open-end mortgage loans an institution must originate before it meets HMDA’s coverage thresholds. Effective July 1, 2020, institutions originating fewer than 100 closed-end mortgage loans in either of the two preceding calendar years will not have to report such data effective July 1, 2020 ...

Buchalter | April 2020

The stock market has had record declines and many businesses are shuttered, at least temporarily. Long-term prospects may still be positive but in the near-term the value of many entities has reduced. Are there transactions that privately-held businesses and their owners could implement that would allow them to achieve long-term goals that could benefit the business, the owner, and owner’s family? We believe that there are ...

Buchalter | April 2020

As COVID-19 cases have continued to spread across the country resulting in government-issued “shelter in place” orders, few industries have felt the impact as swiftly and deeply as the restaurant industry.  Indeed, such government orders have required restaurants to shut down all onsite dining, causing a sharp decline in restaurant revenue.  According to restaurant ...

Buchalter | May 2020

If there is anything to be learned from the FAA’s distribution of the $10 billion in funds allocated to airports in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, it is that allocating billions of dollars in just a few weeks is more difficult than it sounds. On March 27, 2020, the CARES Act was signed into law as Public Law No. 116-136 ...

Buchalter | April 2020

Now is the time to prepare for when non-essential businesses will be allowed to re-open after the various state and local COVID-19 shutdown orders are lifted. We do not know when that date will be or how the orders will be lifted, but planning now can make that phase go smoother for building owners and managers as well as tenants in those buildings. One thing we can be certain of is that the use and operation of buildings will not be “back to normal” for a while ...

Buchalter | April 2020

Earlier this week, the US Department of Labor (DOL) added to their long list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act or FFCRA. These latest additions raises the total of FAQs from an already robust 79 to a staggering 88. Combined with the DOL’s first FFCRA enforcement action in Arizona, this is the latest warning for employers to get fully prepared ...

Buchalter | May 2020

The Treasury Department has issued a form application to be used for SBA Payroll Protection Program (PPP) borrowers to seek loan forgiveness, along with instructions for completing the form and an accompanying worksheet.  The application form, instructions and worksheet may be located by clicking on this link: ...

Buchalter | April 2020

The pandemic crisis unfolding in the United States and around the world has placed a significant strain on commercial lending relationships, and the pressure will only mount as the medical and financial ramifications unfold. For many companies, the immediate concern is of course liquidity. But in the face of falling revenue, shuttered businesses and extreme uncertainty, lenders and borrowers will need to make some tough choices when it comes to their ongoing lending relationships ...

Buchalter | May 2021

In early April as the statewide vaccination rate began to rise and major population centers across California began to see significant decreases in positive COVID cases and hospitalization rates, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the State plans to reopen in full on June 15, 2021. As of the date of this Alert, California has one of the lowest number of COVID cases per 100,000 people and the fourth lowest number of COVID hospitalizations in the United States ...

Buchalter | May 2020

On May 27, the Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARCC) published recommendations for the transition from LIBOR in different financial transactions, including residential mortgage transactions ...

Buchalter | July 2020

  On July 23, 2020, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman and Arizona Department of Health Services Director, Dr. Cara Christ held a news conference to discuss certain executive orders of the Governor regarding re-opening of Arizona businesses and public district and charter schools in Arizona ...

Buchalter | July 2020

On July 17, San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced that due to a rapid rise in new COVID-19 cases in the last month, and because San Francisco was listed on the State’s County Monitoring List (the “Monitoring List”) for three consecutive days, San Francisco was halting all reopening procedures indefinitely beginning on Monday, July 20 ...

Buchalter | June 2020

As California continues to move through Stage 2 of its Resilience Roadmap, “Lower-risk workplaces,” where retail (curbside and delivery only), related logistics and manufacturing, office workplaces, limited personal services, outdoor museums, childcare, and essential businesses can now open with modifications, California employers should continue to be vigilant in assessing and complying with up to date health and safety guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Admini

Buchalter | October 2020

On September 17, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsome signed AB 685 into law.  Effective January 1, 2021, AB 685 makes several changes to the California Labor Code regarding occupational exposure to COVID-19.  This includes authorizing Cal-OSHA to essentially shut down a workplace if it determines that the risk of COVID-19 exposure constitutes an imminent hazard to employees ...

Buchalter | October 2020

On September 23, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order extending the ability of local jurisdictions to enact their own eviction moratoriums on commercial tenancies from September 30, 2020 to March 31, 2021. This extension follows weeks of pressure from mayors and county officials throughout California who argued that a wave of commercial evictions would be coming if no action was taken legislatively or executively by September 30 ...

Buchalter | October 2020

On September 28, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill (“AB”) 1561, which extends “by 18 months the period for the expiration, effectuation, or utilization of a housing entitlement” that was in effect on March 4, 2020 and will expire prior to December 31, 2021 ...

Buchalter | March 2021

On March 19, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill No. 95 (SB95) and revived California’s COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave. By March 29, 2021, employers of more than 25 employees must provide Supplemental Paid Sick Leave for covered employees who are unable to work or telework due to concerns related to COVID-19 through at least September 30, 2021 ...

Buchalter | February 2021

Cal-OSHA’s COVID-19 regulation remains in effect after the trial court rejected a motion for a preliminary injunction filed by a coalition of employers. This included challenges to: (1) compensation for employees excluded from work; (2) mandated testing; and (3) health and safety requirements for employer-provided housing and transportation. Therefore, employers must continue to abide by the requirements of the emergency regulation ...

Buchalter | June 2020

On June 4, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) took steps to provide rules and guidance for the upcoming transition away from LIBOR for adjustable rate loans.  The CFPB issued the following: A revised version of the CHARM booklet that is to be given to certain ARM loan mortgage loan applicants within three days of application ...

Buchalter | June 2021

  On June 28, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a new rule (Rule) setting forth loss mitigation/loan modification steps residential mortgage loan servicers must take in regard to mortgage loan borrowers due to possible COVID-19 related hardship, and when servicers may or may not commence foreclosure proceedings.  The Rule will take effect on August 31, 2021 and remain in place until December 31, 2021 ...

Buchalter | December 2020

  In a small victory for landlords of bankrupt tenants, the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas has ruled that the Chuck E. Cheese parent company may not use its bankruptcy filing to avoid paying its rent. The COVID-19 pandemic and related stay-at-home orders have prompted numerous retailers and restaurants to seek bankruptcy protection. Many of those companies successfully used the bankruptcy process to obtain relief from their rental obligations ...

Buchalter | August 2020

A recent New York federal court decision has called into question whether businesses may safely rely on Department of Labor guidance regarding the recently passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The FFCRA provides employees of businesses with fewer than 500 employees with two temporary forms of paid leave—Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Emergency Family and Medical Leave ...

Buchalter | April 2021

Acting under its new Debt Collection Licensing Act licensing administration and enforcement authority granted by SB 908, the DFPI Commissioner issued a public statement on April 9th reminding all future license applicants under the Debt Collection Licensing Act of California’s renter protections associated with COVID-19 rental debt ...
