5th Coimbra International Arbitration Meeting

September, 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal

After the success of recent editions, the 5th Coimbra International Arbitration Meeting will take place on 8, 9 and 10 October 2015. The most important international arbitration conference held in Portugal is taking place for the fifth consecutive year and contributes to confirming the status of arbitration in Portugal and Portuguese arbitrators in Portuguese speaking countries.

As in previous years, this meeting is being held under the coordination of José Miguel Júdice, the partner who heads PLMJ Arbitration, and António Pinto Leite, the partner who heads the litigation and arbitration practice at MLGTS.

The fifth edition of the Coimbra International Arbitration Meeting will be held on 8, 9 and 10 October at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. This year’s programme once again brings together leading arbitration specialists from Portugal and around the world to debate a range of topics related to arbitration. The meeting will feature 16 speakers who are lawyers and academics from not only Portugal, but also a number of other places around the world including São Paulo, Washington DC, Paris, Madrid, London and Geneva.

The topics to be debated include the question of civil liability (loss of chance and equity), pleas alleging the court’s lack of jurisdiction, the arbitral appeal, annulment or quality control of arbitral awards, as well as subjects such as arbitration and European Union law.

The under-40s session will take place on Thursday, 8 October and is aimed at lawyers under the age of 40.

The event will end with a gala dinner at Quinta das Lágrimas which will honour to Portuguese-speaking arbitrators, Armindo Ribeiro Mendes and Frederico José Straube.
