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Carey | June 2015

In connection with the regulatory framework for the communications sector in Chile, the primary law to take into account is the General Telecommunications Law (GTL), which mainly rules the following matters ...

Bustamante Fabara | May 2015

Since 2 years ago Ecuador is going through a deep actualization process of its legal regulations. The Criminal Code, the Companies Act has been reformed and the Civil Code reforms, as well as procedural rules reforms of trials are in the final step of approbation. One of the most important reforms performed in the last days are the ones related with the Labor Code, which regulates labor relationship between employers and employees ...

Veirano Advogados | May 2015

At first glance, "net neutrality" may seem a natural principle for the internet environment. This expression, however, gives rise to sometimes divergent interests and some concerns. As a general concept, net neutrality means an open Internet, through which consumers would be able to make their own choices about the content they wish to access and share, as well as the services and applications they want to use ...

Brigard Urrutia | March 2015

What changed? Resolution 0572/2015 completely replaced Resolution 6588/2013, which regulates restricted and non-restricted nationals. What does this change mean? Chinese, Indian, Thai, and Vietnamese citizens may now enter Colombia without previously requesting a visa as long as they hold a Shenghen C o D visa type or USA visa with the exception of transit C-1 visa ...

Beccar Varela | March 2015

Q&A provides a high level overview of finance tax in Argentina and focuses on corporate lending and borrowing (including withholding tax requirements), bond issues, plant and machinery leasing, taxation of the borrower and lender when restructuring debt, and securitisations. The Q&A is part of the global guide to tax on transactions. For a full list of jurisdictional Q&As visit authorities. 1 ...

C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados | February 2015

On February 11, 2015, Supreme Decree No. 2264 was enacted to establish the Productive Development Bank, as the entity in charge of recording unconventional collateral offered by productive entities. This will allow rural and non-rural producers to gain access to productive credit that had previously been inaccessible because of a lack of conventional collateral. Newly enacted regulation, set forth by Supreme Decree No. 2264 (“S.D ...

Carey | February 2015

On January 15th, Resolution DGA N° 3,438 was published. It contains a list of water rights subject to the payment of a fine for lack of use. The fine must be paid during the month of March, 2015. The term to contest such resolution is 30 days, as counted from the date of publishing. To review the list of water rights affected by the payment of fines for non-use click here ...

Carey | December 2014

On November 6, 2014, Law No. 20,789 was published in the Official Gazette, granting legal status to theConsejo de Estabilidad Financiera (Financial Stability Council or “CEF”). The CEF is part of the Ministry of Finance, and was originally created in 2011 by means of a ministerial decree.
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Veirano Advogados | October 2014

Environmental laws should not be understood as a limit to economic growth and development but as a crucial part of economy: the wise use of natural resources means greater benefit from raw materials and lower costs for inputs. At the same time, the quality of life for Brazilian citizens should be enhanced by an effective program of environmental sustainability ...

Veirano Advogados | September 2014

On August 29, 2014, Normative Resolution N. 112 was published, amending Article 4 of Normative Resolution N. 98 of November 14, 2012. Normative Resolution 112/2014 provides that the temporary visa item V can be granted to foreign nationals who will enter Brazil to work exclusively in the preparation, organization, planning and execution of the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games and who do not have a Brazilian sponsoring company or any employment relationship with a Brazilian company ...

Veirano Advogados | September 2014

The Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (“CVM”) has made public its Board of Directors’ decision issued on August 12, 2014, with respect to CVM Proceeding No. 2014/6342 (“Proceeding”). The Proceeding was initiated by SPE STX 25 Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. (“STX”) concerning the development of the “Rio Business Soft Inn”,because STX intended to sell 151 hotel units (“condo hotel units”) during the construction period, at an average price of R$400,000.00 in accordance with Law No. 4 ...

Brigard Urrutia | September 2014

The Law 1450 of 2011 by means of which it was issued the National Development Plan for the period 2011-2014 provided in its article 112 the creation of a Single Registry of Marketers of Minerals ("RUCOM" by its acronyms in Spanish), which is managed by the National Mining Agency ("ANM" by its acronyms in Spanish) in order to control the marketing of minerals in Colombia ...

Brigard Urrutia | August 2014

After signing the Bilateral Investment Treaties (“BITs”) with Turkey on July 28 and with France on July 10, and ratifying the BIT with Japan on June 25, Colombia significantly moves forward on the protection of foreign investments. These agreements pursue the establishment of a fair, safe and transparent juridical framework in order to draw foreign investors to Colombia and bolster Colombian investments abroad ...

Carey | August 2014

During the month of July of the current year, three relevant labor laws have been published in the Official Gazette: 1) Law No. 20,761 that extends the right of feeding children to working fathers and establishes new regulations regarding maternity.On July 22nd, 2014 the Law No. 20,761 was published in the Official Gazette ...

Guyer & Regules | August 2014

Five years after the enactment of Decree 330/2009 that regulated Law No 18.360 referred to the obligation of providing, on both public spaces and private spaces with influx of people, with Automatic External Defibrillators (AED), we remind you that the general obligation of instructing personnel about Basic Cardiac Resuscitation (BCR) technics is now effective ...

Carey | July 2014

1. Introduction In July, 2014 the OECD Secretariat launched a report called “Assessment of Merger Control in Chile”. This report analyzes the Chilean merger control system, identifies its chief problems and makes recommendations in order to overcome such shortcomings. The main conclusion of the report is that the Chilean merger control regime “lacks transparency, legal certainty and predictability”1 ...

Carey | July 2014

On July 9th, 2014, it was published in the Official Gazette the Law No. 20,760 which introduces the concept of single employer in connection with certain interrelated business, amending articles 3 and 507 of the Labor Code ...

Carey | July 2014

1. IntroductionIn June, 2014 the National Economic Prosecutor (Fiscalía Nacional Economica – FNE) issued its guidelines for the Analysis of Vertical Restraints ...

Carey | June 2014

On June 2nd, 2014, President Michelle Bachelet entered a bill into Congress which seeks to modify Law N° 19.496 on the Protection of the Rights of Consumers (“CPA”). The message of the bill recognizes that the tools provided by the current legislation to address violations to the rights of consumers are not sufficiently efficient or dissuasive: in several cases it is less expensive for providers to pay a fine for breach of the CPA, than to comply with such regulation ...

Veirano Advogados | June 2014

After two years of heated debate fuelled by a diplomatic scandal with the US, Brazil has enacted a groundbreaking bill of internet rights which will protect consumers and give added certainty to businesses. The government initially sought to stem the controversy related to the US government spying on Brazilian internet by proposing rules which would require all companies with operations in Brazil to keep their data stored within the country by setting up local servers ...

Carey | June 2014

In october of 2014, Law No. 20,720 will enter into effect. This act replaces the current bankruptcy law, and creates a new reorganization and liquidation regime for both corporations and natural persons ...

Veirano Advogados | May 2014

With international marketers readying for the upcoming FIFA World Cup, the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) has released Ambush Marketing: A Global Legal Perspective, which summarizes laws and other rules governing ambush marketing in 52 countries around the world ...

Carey | April 2014

FATCA is a United States Act that requires US persons, including individuals who live outside the United States, to report their financial accounts held outside of the US, and requires foreign financial institutions (“FFIs“) to report information regarding their US clients to the US Internal Revenue Service (“US IRS”). FATCA was meant to combat offshore tax evasion and to recoup federal tax revenues ...

Vouga Abogados | March 2014

The Executive Branch announced days ago the 3 main investment projects which will be promoted under the Public-Private Partnership regime in Paraguay. With the enactment in the month of March of the Regulatory Decree of the Public-Private Partnership Law (Law 5102/2013), the projects are expected to be advanced immediately ...

Veirano Advogados | March 2014

NEW CVM DECISION SIMPLIFIES TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING PRIVATE INVESTMENT IN PUBLIC EQUITY (PIPEs)  At a meeting held on January 7, 2014, the majority of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) Board (Colegiado) accepted the appeal lodged by João Fortes Engenharia S.A., within the context of CVM Proceeding No ...