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Carey | August 2016

On July 27, 2016, the Securities and Insurance Superintendence (“SVS”) issued the general rule 410 (“NCG 410”), which supplements the list of entities that qualify as “institutional investors” according to article 4(e) of the Securities Market Law N°18,045 (“LMV”) ...

New extension of deadlines is established for the submission of the PLAME.- Due to the extension of the State of National Emergency until April 26, 2020, through Superintendence Resolution No. 069-2020/SUNAT published on April 13, 2020, new expiration dates are established for the declaration and payment of the items contained in the PDT Electronic Sheet - PLAME, Virtual Form No. 0601: A ...

Default interest rates on tax debts and refunds are lowered.- Through Superintendency Resolution No. 066-2020/SUNAT, published on March 31, 2020, the following is established from April 1, 2020: i) The default interest rates (TIM) on tax debts in national currency will be 1% per month; and in foreign currency, it will be 0.50% per month. ii) The interest rate for reimbursement in national currency made for undue or excess payments will be 0.42% per month ...

Carey | April 2020

Decree No. 553 establishes a tax measure for taxpayers subject to the presumptive income regime     On April 18, 2020, Decree No. 553 was published, which, in addition to Decree No. 420 , extends the deadline for taxpayers subject to the presumptive income tax system to exercise the option to pay taxes on income obtained during 2019, on the basis of effective income determined under full accounting. The deadline is extended until 31 July 2020 ...

Carey | March 2020

Last Thursday, March 19, the Government of Chile presented an Emergency Economic Plan to combat COVID19, which contains various economic and tax measures that seek to provide greater liquidity to companies, SMEs and employees. From the tax perspective, the Emergency Economic Plan considers the following measures: Suspending the obligation to make Provisional Monthly Payments (PPM) for the months of April, May and June 2020 ...

Beccar Varela | March 2015

Q&A provides a high level overview of finance tax in Argentina and focuses on corporate lending and borrowing (including withholding tax requirements), bond issues, plant and machinery leasing, taxation of the borrower and lender when restructuring debt, and securitisations. The Q&A is part of the global guide to tax on transactions. For a full list of jurisdictional Q&As visit authorities. 1 ...

Carey | December 2021

On December 19, Gabriel Boric was elected as future President of Chile, and will take office on March 11, 2022. The following is a list of the main tax proposals1 of the recently elected candidate: New income tax regime: a disintegrated income tax regime is proposed for large companies, separating the tax paid at the company level from the one payable by its shareholders when withdrawing profits ...

Carey | November 2019

On August 26th, 2019, the National Institute of Normalization (INN) published Technical Specification INN/ET1 on compliance plans for the protection of consumer’s rights (the “Technical Specification”), in accordance to which suppliers can develop the compliance plans referred in Article 24 subparagraph four of Law No. 19,496 Consumer Protection Act (“CPA”), included therein after the latest amendment to that Law ...

Carey | June 2015

In connection with the regulatory framework for the communications sector in Chile, the primary law to take into account is the General Telecommunications Law (GTL), which mainly rules the following matters ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

AUTHORIZATION TO RENDER SERVICES The Secretary of Health and territorial entities will authorize, within a short period of time, and temporarily, health service providers who are registered in the REPS to: Temporarily adapt a place not destined to render health services, inside or outside their facilities. Temporarily convert or adapt a health service to render another, for which the health service provider is not authorized for. Expand the capacity of an enabled service ...

Carey | March 2020

Recently, both INAPI and TDPI implemented temporary measures in terms of deadlines, procedures and legal requirements for the submission of original documents, with the aim to facilitate to applicants and users of the system to comply with legal obligations, taking into account both the difficulties in meeting these obligations and the purpose of safeguarding people's health ...

Brigard Urrutia | January 2021

In recent days, the National Agency of Hydrocarbons ("ANH") published Addendum No. 4 and Addendum No. 5 to the CEPI Selection Process. Addendum No ...

Veirano Advogados | September 2016

It is not unusual for companies to choose famous and prestigious events, such as entertainment awards and sporting championships, as platforms to promote their products and services. The Olympic Games are no different. As the world´s most important sporting event, drawing the attention from individuals all over the world for more than two weeks, the Olympic Games are the perfect scenario for marketing actions ...

Carey | June 2020

The Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”), issued the General Rule No. 443, dated June 15, 2020 (the “NCG 443”), in order to establish the requirements to temporarily exempt from the presentation of certain documentation in the applications for registration of public offers of securities, and to permanently amend the General Rule No ...

C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados | November 2006

Bolivia has just culminated the step that will have the greatest impact in the process of creating a new constitution for Bolivia. On Sunday July 2, Bolivia elected the constituents to the assembly that will be in charge with providing structure and substance to the new constitutional norm ...

As it is known, the second paragraph of Article 5 of the New Constitutional Procedure Code (Law 31307) provides that "In constitutional proceedings against judicial decisions, judges or magistrates of the Judiciary are not notified or summoned with the lawsuit". In this regard, the Constitutional Court (TC) in the order issued in Case No ...

SMS Buenos Aires | April 2020

The prosperous and globalized world as we know it has been suddenly slammed. Henry Kissinger, in his article published in WSJ on April 4, states that the historic challenge for the current leaders will be to manage the crisis while building a new future. If they fail, the world would be set on fire. He also says that nations rely on their institutions to foresee and deal with calamities, to arrest their impact and to restore stability ...

By Board Resolution Nº 368-2021-MINEM/DGH and Board Resolution Nº 369-2021-MINEM/DGH, published on September 21, 2021 in the Official Gazette “El Peruano”, the drafts of the “Operating Procedure for the electronic market of the auctions for the transfer of natural gas supply volume and/or transport capacity (MECAP)” (“MECAP Operating Procedure“) and of the “Operating Procedure for the Transfer of Information in the Natural Gas Market&rd

Veirano Advogados | July 2018

The international trading market is currently quite favorable to commodity-producing countries such as Brazil. In recent months, the Bloomberg Commodity Index, which tracks daily the performance of main commodities, closed at US$89.49, 1.5% higher than it was at lhe end of 2017 and 6.73% higher than it was 12 months ago ...

Beccar Varela | April 2023

Report of the Department of Environmental Law and Climate Change  The human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment A/HRC/52/L.7 ( The Human Rights Council of the United Nations General Assembly, at its 52nd session held between February 27 and April 4, 2023, through this document, urged States to: to ...

Veirano Advogados | March 2016

As in most countries, Brazil has strict regulations on sensitive advertising, especially as regards to alcohol, tobacco and other controlled substances. In Brazil, advertising is regulated by the Federal Constitution, which main directive is the freedom of speech. However, the Constitution also predicts that regulations referring to products that offer health and environmental risks will be provided by specific laws (section 220) and follow some restrictions ...

On June 26, 2021, the Ministry of Economy and Finance – MEF published in the Official Gazette “El Peruano” the Supreme Decree Nº 162-2021-EF (hereinafter, the “Supreme Decree”), whereby it amends the rules contained in the Regulations of the State Procurement Law, adopted by Supreme Decree Nº 344-2018-EF (hereinafter, the “Regulations”) ...

On June 27, Supreme Decree Nº 005-2021-IN was published in the Official Gazette “El Peruano” adopting the new “National Directive of Internal Order for the protection of National Critical Assets – ACN” (“New Directive”) ...

C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados | November 2005

Background The return to democracy in October of 1982 arrived with a “social debt” derived from the days of the Siles Zuazo government, which, by giving way to the workers’ demands, caused Bolivia to enter into a hyperinflationary downward spiral. The Government of Siles Zuazo ended one year before the end of its term (as Mesa did), allowing Dr. Víctor Paz Estensoro to come to power through the general elections of 1985 ...

Beccar Varela | May 2020

This article aims to analyze the state of the Argentine mining industry, its growth potential, and briefly comment on certain situations in the current legal-regulatory system, which could be improved to accelerate its post-quarantine development. 1. The economic and mining situation in Argentina pre COVID-19 In Argentina, the pandemic has motivated the issuance of preventive and mandatory social isolation measures (the "Quarantine") ...
