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Tag: covid19
Hanson Bridgett LLP | July 2020

On April 22, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order N-55-20 pursuant to a provision of the Government Code that grants special powers to the Governor to suspend statutes during a state of emergency where the Governor determines and declares that strict compliance with the statute or regulation would prevent, hinder, or delay the mitigation of the effects of the emergency. (Gov. Code, §§ 8567 & 8571 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points IRS guidance expands the definition of “qualified individual” for receiving a tax-favored coronavirus-related distribution (“CRD”) from a retirement plan and other plan changes under the CARES Act. The guidance confirms that plan changes under the CARES Act are optional, including the loan repayment delay, and provides a safe harbor method for implementing the loan repayment delay ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points Prior recessions saw increased instances of investor-favorable terms. Founders need to weigh the benefit of receiving financing now vs. the potential chilling effect on future rounds of equity investment. Founders strategizing how to raise capital in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, can look to the last Great Recession to understand investor-favorable deal terms that may be prime to make a comeback ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points IRS releases new COVID-19 relief for Qualified Opportunity Funds Taxpayers granted significant postponement of various timing requirements to ensure compliance with IRC section 1400Z-2 The IRS released Notice 2020-39 on June 4, 2020, providing significant relief for investors in qualified opportunity funds (QOFs) ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Point The Federal Reserve has further revised the terms for the upcoming Main Street Lending Program in order to expand access to the program's three loan facilities The Federal Reserve announced on June 8, 2020, that it has revised key terms for its upcoming Main Street Lending Program to support small and medium-sized businesses, consisting of three loan facilities: the Main Street New Loan Facility (MSNLF), the Main Street Priority Loan Facility (MSPLF), and the Main Stree

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points New legislation allows longer 24-week period for payroll costs that will be forgiven under Paycheck Protection Program loans Maximum forgiveness of loan can be achieved if 60% of the proceeds are used on payroll costs New broader safe harbor to avoid FTE-based reduction in forgiveness amount New legislation signed into effect on June 5, 2020, received bi-partisan support to address complaints about the current Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP") loans for small busines

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points A five bill, California Senate housing package heads to Appropriations after unanimously passing key committee votes last week. CEQA streamlining, increasing density, and affordable housing remain top priorities, including one bill seeking to incentivize commercial use conversion to residential use ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points As the State begins to open back up, COVID-19 employment related litigation also begins. Several trends have emerged. On an individual and class-wide basis, Plaintiffs cite disability discrimination, emotional distress, retaliation, reimbursement, public nuisance and WARN Act claims, among others ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points The Judicial Council amended Emergency Rule 9 to provide dates certain for tolling the statutes of limitations for civil actions, which are currently tolled due to the COVID-19 state of emergency. Pursuant to the amended Emergency Rule 9, the statutes of limitations applicable to CEQA actions are tolled from April 6, 2020, until August 3, 2020 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points U.S. EPA is continuing to regulate and prevent sham COVID-19 products and devices from entering the market under FIFRA. EPA's distinction in regulating pesticide substances versus pesticide devices can cause confusion, but can be addressed if companies take proactive steps to ensure their product's compliance with the requisite legal framework, and self-report when in doubt. As noted in our prior alerts, available here and here, U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points: U.S. EPA is continuing to regulate and prevent sham COVID-19 products and devices from entering the market under FIFRA. EPA's distinction in regulating pesticide substances versus pesticide devices can cause confusion, but can be addressed if companies take proactive steps to ensure their product's compliance with the requisite legal framework, and self-report when in doubt. As noted in our prior alerts, available here and here, U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

On May 11, 2020, the California Department of Public Health ("CDPH") issued an All Facilities Letter (AFL 20-52) requiring skilled nursing facilities ("SNF") to develop and implement a facility specific COVID-19 mitigation plan (the "Plan") with six different, complicated elements. The CDPH requirement is in addition to any local requirements for COVID-19 planning and may or may not track the requirements already in place in some local jurisdictions ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points: New CDPH mandate requires action by skilled nursing facilities within 21 calendar days of issuance of All Facilities Letter. CDPH to conduct onsite visits to skilled nursing facilities every 6 to 8 weeks to verify compliance with facility's approved COVID-19 Mitigation Plan. New Mitigation Plan requirement is in addition to any local requirements for COVID-19 planning ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a "Relief Notice," providing ERISA plan fiduciaries additional time to furnish required notices and disclosures to participants and beneficiaries. For governmental plans that are not subject to ERISA, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will extend similar timeframes otherwise applicable under the Public Health Service Act ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points: Several key deadlines for employee benefit plan participants are being extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic under guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and IRS. The deadline extensions could impose significant administrative burdens on plans and plan sponsors. The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued new guidance extending key deadlines for participants in private sector plans subject to ERISA. For governmental health plans, the U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points Facilities will have until the week ending June 7, 2020 to report specific COVID-19 data to the CDC or face the assessment of deficiencies and CMPs. Facilities are now required to notify residents, their representatives, and families when the facility has a confirmed COVID-19 infection or 3 instances of new onset respiratory symptoms within 72 hours ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points:  Bay Area counties issued new Shelter Orders on April 29, 2020 allowing all construction to resume. The new Shelter Orders include detailed Construction Safety Protocols that construction jobsites must comply with. There is one Construction Safety Protocol for “small” construction projects, and a more rigorous Construction Safety Protocol for “large” construction projects ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points Monitoring the movement of the COVID-19 virus in untreated wastewater may provide useful information in tracking the spread of the disease. Current methods for treating wastewater supplies appear to be sufficient to protect against further spread of COVID-19. In the absence of widespread testing and contact tracing, could untreated wastewater hold the key to tracking the spread of COVID-19? Increasingly, the answer appears promising ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points The IRS recently issued guidance (Notice 2020-32) regarding the deductibility of expenses incurred in a taxpayer’s trade or business when the taxpayer receives a PPP loan under the CARES Act. Section 1106 of the CARES Act provides that PPP loans may be forgiven without causing the borrower to incur cancellation of debt income ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

The Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara, and the City of Berkeley have jointly issued new Shelter-in-Place orders superseding their existing March 31, 2020 Shelter-in-Place orders ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Key Points: EPA is marching forward with its plans to prevent sham COVID-19 cleaners and disinfectants from entering the marketplace. Manufacturers should continue to adhere to EPA's policy regarding products that make disinfectant efficacy claims. EPA warns consumers against injecting disinfectants into their bodies. On April 23, 2020, the U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Key Points: Face coverings are now mandatory for most workers in six Bay Area counties. These orders apply to those working in proximity to others and in areas frequented by the public, and to all essential infrastructure workers. There are immediate implications for public agencies, contractors, and construction project owners ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Key Points: An executive order from the governor's office modifies California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") noticing procedures, requiring local agencies to take extra steps to notify the public that environmental review processes are underway or have concluded for development projects. Extra steps include posting notices on agency websites and active outreach to interested parties ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Key Points: New guidance from the SBA clarifies the "necessity" requirement for PPP loans. Start-ups should proceed with caution when planning to apply for a PPP loan. Since the passage over the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the CARES ACT (the “Act”) start-ups and emerging companies have received mixed signals and guidance regarding their eligibility for loans and loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP") ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Since the passage over the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the CARES ACT (the “Act”) start-ups and emerging companies have received mixed signals and guidance regarding their eligibility for loans and loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP") ...
