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Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | June 2020

On May 23, 2020, the notice related to the Employment Protection Fund was jointly published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Economy, through which a new electronic procedure was implemented for the registration, control and authorization of total suspensions (individual or collective) of employment contracts ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | June 2020

The Guide for the Identification of Labor Risks by Covid-19 and Preventive Measures in Workplaces was published by the Guatemalan Social Security Institute ...

Morgan & Morgan | May 2020

Given the state of emergency declared by the Panamanian Government as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, the stay at home orders issued by the health authorities and the social distancing that is essential to control the outbreak, the technological tools available for companies to operate remotely are vital ...

features 1. Modification of the Requirements for banks'shareholders. 2. Fiscal incentives for the development of the Forest Sector. 3. The unconstitutionality of the Bankcruptcy process in Nicaragua. 4. Right of priority. 5. Modernizing Legal procedures in Real Estate transactions. 6. Closing activities in the acquisition of properties. 7 ...

In February of the present year, the Law No. 511 on the Creation of the Superintendence of Public Services (SISEP) was enacted. This Law substituted on its functions the Institutions rendering Public Services of Telecommunications, Energy and Drinking Water, (INAA, TELCOR; INE), and revoked their Organic Laws leaving them without any effect. From this legal event it existed in Nicaragua uncertainty for all the private parties who had established legal relationships with these institutions ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2009

On 1st January 1997, the Partnership Act 1996 (the Act) came into force in the BVI. It features two types of partnerships, the Limited Partnership and the General Partnership. The Limited Partnership is the most common one. In the Act, the Limited Partnership is defined as partnership formed by two or more persons with one or more General Partners and one or more Limited Partners ...

Morgan & Morgan | March 2012

The Maritime Labor Convention of 2006 is an instrument that contains an approximate of 70 different provisions on labor-related matters in the maritime industry, which was approved by the International Labor Organization (ILO), in view of the absence of minimum standards that offered labor security and decent living conditions to the seafarers.  The Maritime Labor Convention is expected to take effect before the end of 2013 ...

It has not been a secret that confidentiality and the possibility of investing less resources (time and money) in the conflict resolution are the most used strategies in the promotion and integration of the mediation process into the formal system ...

In the past days, two very important events at the Regional and National Level, honored the ADR mechanisms, specifically the mediation and arbitration proceedings. We refer to the First Central American Congress on Mediation and Arbitration organized by the Nicaraguan Chamber of Commerce and the Third National Congress on Mediation organized by the Office of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Division (DIRAC) of the Supreme Court of Justice ...

Commonly, conflicts are settled by a judicial organ, through which a legal expert issues a resolution according to legal criteria and provisions. Nowadays, the options to resolve conflicts are not only limited to the decision of a Judge, but there are alternative means characterized for being voluntary, confidential, economical, and expedite. These means are generally known as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which mainly include arbitration, mediation, and conciliation ...

The order described below is a follow-up to the order establishing the strategy for the reopening and return to social, educational, and economic activities, including additional industries to those considered essential, published on May 14, 2020 (the “Order”). (Our alert on the Order can be found here ...

Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Center for Energy Control (“CENACE”) notified users of the Market Information System of its “Order to guarantee the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and security of the National Electric System, motivated by the recognition of the epidemic of the illness caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19),” (the “Order”), via the Public Area of the Market Information System of its official web

The order described below is a follow-up to the order published on April 21, 2020 (the “Order”), that extended the immediate suspension of all non-essential activities in the public, private, and social sectors until May 30, 2020. (Our alert on the Order can be found here) ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | June 2020

The Ministry of Public Health has published changes in the strategy to be followed for the eventual de-escalation of the confinement measures to be followed, repealing agreement 144-2020 ...

Consortium Legal Honduras | September 2014

The Ministry of Finance announced that an improvement in the online inquiry concerning the value of declared merchandises intends to reduce under-declaration in 20%. For the purpose of establishing better controls on imported merchandises, the National Service of Customs of the Ministry of Finance has intensified and integrated software tools to apply in a more efficient and effective manner instruments of control over the value declared for the entry and exit of goods ...

Morgan & Morgan | May 2013

Battered women who fear for their safety, mothers unable to support their children, dysfunctional families in need. A reality for many women is the presence of domestic violence in their lives. This situation, although occurring in all social and economic levels, is much more obvious and has more serious consequences in low-income communities ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2019

Executive Decree No. 238 of June 10, 2019 Requirements to apply for permanent residency for executives of Multinational Headquarters offices (“SEM” for its acronym in Spanish) As of June 11th, 2019, the requirements to apply for the Permanent Resident Permit for Executives of SEM companies who i) continue working at a SEM company, and ii) no longer work for a SEM company ...

Morgan & Morgan | September 2018

Law 40 has, among other, some provisions that affect the workplace, such as the following: Obligations and prohibitions for employers: Any discrimination and stigmatizing or segregating act is prohibited to the detriment of those affected, as well as against their relatives and friends. Every employer is obliged to implement practical ILO recommendations on STI and HIV, and must take all necessary measures to effectively protect the life and health of its affected workers ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2009

I. Background The need to amend the Panamanian maritime legislation, amongst others, came as an effort to incorporate long standing practices that had been developed but were not regulated in our national laws, to promote the registration of vessels in our registry by attracting new tonnage and rewarding both loyalty to the flag and compliance with safety standards of vessels already registered in Panama ...

The approval of amendments to the Tax Code and the creation of new taxes have caused upset and criticism among business sectors in El Salvador, accusations that they will affect competitiveness and a better economic performance, and lead to an increased cost of living ...

Since year 2008 Nicaragua has been modernizing the administration of labor justice. The Ministry of Labor started the modernization with the implementation of an oral process for the fulfillment of certain formalities required before such institution, such as termination of employment contracts for justified cause, collective suspensions and business closures. The implementation of this oral process has been successful because it reduces and simplifies processes ...

In recent years, Nicaragua has experienced sustained economic growth, as a result of a strict management of its fiscal, financial, monetary and exchange policies. Its business-related administrative procedures and laws have contributed to a strong inflow of direct foreign investment, so much that the country intends to exceed this year an amount of 1500 million in investments in sectors such as: power, manufacture, agriculture, tourism and others ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | December 2012

On November 22nd a law referred as Law against Corruption was published on the official Gazette (Decree number 31-2012 of Guatemalan Congress), which entered into force on November 30th, 2012. This law  mainly incorporates amendments to the Criminal Codes, Law Against Organized Crime and Property Forfeiture Law ...

Morgan & Morgan | August 2012

Geography, History & Economy The country of Belize is located on the Caribbean coast of northern Central America. Bordered to the North by Mexico, South and West by Guatemala and East by the Caribbean Sea, Belize forms part of Central America and the Caribbean ...

Morgan & Morgan | August 2012

Under what condition will an offshore trust still fall within your government’s tax net?   Offshore trusts may be established and managed in many jurisdictions. In most countries personal taxation is based on residence. The question often asked is what the residency of an offshore trust established by a resident of a certain country is. In the case recently reported in Canada “Fundy settlement, Canada, 2012 SCC 14” (Tim Gestnick – The Globe and Mail Apr ...
